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Nazar Tokar

Зараз Fediverse і зокрема Mastodon — одні з найкращих альтернатив російському #Telegram для новин і лідерів думок. Тому ми в Kremlingram нарешті створити акаунт у мастодоні — @kremlingram

Там ми публікуємо основні знахідки про небезпеки російської платформи, її технічні та безпекові проблеми, а також знахідки про російські гроші (спойлер: їх там багато).

Запрошую підписуватися, радити друзям, бустити й тримати руку на пульсі. Щоб цифрова безпека не була недооціненою.

Nazar Tokar

Currently, the Fediverse, and specifically Mastodon, are among the best alternatives to russia's #Telegram for news and opinion leaders. So at Kremlingram, we've created a Mastodon account:

We share key findings about the dangers of the russian platform, its technical and security issues, and insights into russian funding (spoiler: there's a lot).

I invite you to subscribe, share with your friends, and stay informed. Let's ensure digital security is not underestimated.

Currently, the Fediverse, and specifically Mastodon, are among the best alternatives to russia's #Telegram for news and opinion leaders. So at Kremlingram, we've created a Mastodon account:

We share key findings about the dangers of the russian platform, its technical and security issues, and insights into russian funding (spoiler: there's a lot).

@nazar відредагуй будь ласка з тегом @kremlingram , бо по лінку підписатись не так зручно :kitty-shy:
Nazar Tokar

@jfmblinux Now is the moment for everyone to switch to Firefox.

Since 2009, I've been using Firefox, and though I gave Chrome a try, it ultimately felt unnecessary.

Nazar Tokar

There's a great article by @lxplm for @dw_innovation about their ongoing Mastodon experiment.

I suggest all media should try Mastodon for least an automated cross-posting or interacting with their readers and building a community that is much better.

You can read it here:

Tymur Yarosh

@nazar @lxplm @dw_innovation #Mastodon is a great platform, indeed. Being able to read posts of favorite authors in chronological order w/o losing a bit is invaluable.

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