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Arnold Boer

@mikemathia smoke is an essential component of every machine. You must keep it in!

*|FNAME|* πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦


A close up image of a printed circuit board, embossed with the text:

β€œEvery machine is a smoke machine if you operate it wrong enough.”


@mikemathia And every car will last you a lifetime if you drive it fast enough. πŸ™‚


@mikemathia Actually, an owl ate most of the stray cats in my town.


@mikemathia That time i was bicycling home at night and noticed that a tawny owl was silently gliding maybe 4-6ft above my head like some winged drainpipe of rage was one of my top five moments of pure horror

πŸŒͺ πŸ“‘


Moral of the story is that if you don't understand the past, you're doomed to keep making the same stupid mistakes you did before.


@mikemathia My Great Grandfather drove something very similar - apparently it was very reliable. Although, he occasionally pretended that it had broken down in the middle of town in order to draw a crowd so he could hand out business cards.
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