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5 posts total
Vampire Hunter B ✝🗡🦇

the budget just passed with no further amendments. 3 to 1

Hardesty: aye
Eudaly: no
Fritz: aye
Wheeler: aye

Vampire Hunter B ✝🗡🦇

I think Eudaly's no vote is pandering as she doesn't support police abolition and advocates regularly for more traffic cops.

I'm really disappointed with Hardesty's remarks which were pretty much "I know more than you, shut up". That's incredibly insulting to the very experienced Black organizers within Unite Oregon, PAALF, Care Not Cops, Don't Shoot Portland, and others that were pushing for change

Darius Kazemi

@showerpickles this is definitely not a move to protect himself

Vampire Hunter B ✝🗡🦇

Which is why I bring this up.

If you are cis you have the privilege of not having to look yourself in the mirror everyday and say "no" to a society that wants to drag you down for your gender. Instead of worrying about people like JKR and making a big deal about how wrong she is (burning her books). Spend some time reflecting on what power you have in your own life and how the bias and hate toward trans people that you DO have in your heart manifests in denying personhood to trans people.

Vampire Hunter B ✝🗡🦇

the Portland Police copaganda they released today is ridiculous. The day after protesters threw animal feed at the cops and yelled "oink oink" the police are spreading a media story about how they found a farm pig in a blanket and are trying to find it's owner. And don't you all just love pigs? Then of course there are a series of photos of police posing with the pig

are they trying to get good SEO on "pig"?

Vampire Hunter B ✝🗡🦇

so, after last nights Black Lives Matter "protest" in pdx was co-opted by police collaborators and white liberals had their "kumbaya we've fixed racism and the police are nice now" parade, the police raided a local trans woman's house and arrested her on $25K bail for alleged arson. If you can, please donate to the bail fund:

Stable Jenious

@showerpickles yeah, it's wild. Last night I didnt hear any flashbangs until after midnight, then they were going off like crazy, hella sirens, the chopper, and NOTHING about it anywhere on the news or from the few SM accounts Im keeping tabs on.

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