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8 posts total
Soh Kam Yung


"The story of Unix spell is more than just historical curiosity. It's a masterclass in engineering under constraints: how to analyze a problem from first principles, leverage mathematical insights, and design elegant solutions that work within strict resource limits."

#ComputerHistory #Technology #Computers #Compression #Dictionary #Engineering

Soh Kam Yung

Lots and lots of amazing photos of moths by Nicky Bay!

"At Borneo Jungle Girl Camp, I stayed for 4 nights with a group of friends and returned with almost 7000 photos, recording almost 600 species of moths and lots of other insects and arachnids."

#NickyBay #Moths #Images #Borneo #Entomology

Soh Kam Yung

@chrisg Nah. By then Emacs boots off bare metal, and everything runs as a buffer inside it. 🙂

Soh Kam Yung

A look at the inner beauty of basic electronic components. From the book, "Open Circuits" by @oskay and Eric Schlaepfer.

"As the authors write, everything about these components is deliberately designed to meet specific technical needs, but that design leads to “accidental beauty: the emergent aesthetics of things you were never expected to see.” "

#Technology #Electronics #Electrical #Engineering

AJ Armstrong

@sohkamyung @oskay This is an amazing book. I frequently pull it out when discussing electronic components in class.

Soh Kam Yung

RIP, Fred Brooks, author of "The Mythical Man-month", managing developer of IBM's System/360 and much more.

"Steven M. Bellovin @SteveBellovin

Sad news from @unccs — Fred P. Brooks, the founder and long-time chair of the department (and a major influence on my professional outlook) passed away a few hours ago."

[ ]

#ComputerHistory #FredBrooks #Computers #IBM #System360

Soh Kam Yung

Of course, Improbable Research would feature this. 🙂

"Yuri Nakahashi, a student at Hosei University, Japan, wrote a thesis about sleeping with a cat night after night in locations chosen by the cat."

#ImprobableResearch #Cats

Soh Kam Yung

Looks useful, especially for reading technical PDF documents (where you need to do a long of referencing and jumping around). On HN, the developer promises MacOS and Linux versions soon.

"Sioyek is a PDF viewer designed for reading research papers and technical books "

Via Hacker News [ ]. For Windows at the moment.

#Software #Documents #Research #PDF #Reading

Soh Kam Yung

Remotely connecting to computers was done before ARPANET. What ARPANET did was to standardize the way to communicate with computers over a network.

#Computers #Networking #ComputerHistory #NetworkingHistory #Arpanet #Internet

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