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15 posts total

What an epic evening. 🤩


Open star cluster Messier 35 and The Jellyfish Nebula in Gemini.
Composite image created to bring out the faint nebula.


This one came out quite well through the thin cloud before The Moon got to Venus.
Shows just how dark The Moon is in comparison to Venus.


Saturn is at opposition this Sunday, when it will be at its biggest and brightest for the year.

To celebrate this, use the code " Saturn " to get £1:50 off any order for my books until the 8th of September.

My secure online shop is at


I finally got a stacked image of Venus!
It's not that good, as clouds interfered, and there was no time to use the Barlow lens or adjust the settings as I wanted. But I'm very pleased that at least I got one today when Venus was at inferior conjunction.


It's well worth visiting Peterborough Cathedral this summer.
Especially if you like Star Wars.


I had a tweak of the microscope settings and you can clearly make out the long flagellum these algae called Euglena use for motility. That's kept me out of mischief this weekend.


It's been five years since we moved into our house. I think we've been able to improve the look and usability of the garden in that time.


Another couple of this handsome fella.


We had to go for a walk in todays lovely sunshine to Stanwick Lakes to see if we could catch sight of the most photographed bird in Northamptonshire. We were not disappointed.
He put on a great show for us.


Another cracker from the JWST.
NGC346 in The Small Magellanic Cloud.


First it went foggy, then it (almost) cleared.
But I just managed to catch these images of Jupiter and Mars tonight, before they disappeared behind the cloud.
Celestron C11 and ASI178MC camera, with ADC.

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