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15 posts total
Dr. Dan Killam

Alt-text is really a big cultural differentiator for Mastodon. Twitter has it, but it's pretty rare to see people use it. Threads doesn't have it at all! And with regards to scicomm specifically, it's a perfect example of how accessibility improves the experience for everyone. I can break down a dense, hard to understand figure that people with vision would still find confusing. To me, alt-text is a non-negotiable requirement of good science communication.

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Stefano Marinelli

@dantheclamman I also like inserting my interpretation of my photographs on alt-texts. They should be mandatory.

Matt ๐ŸŒป

@dantheclamman I believe has the feature, but maybe not the culture? Apparently, on Threads, if you don't add alt-text then it gets added for you.

Dr. Dan Killam

When I'm reading sci-fi, and they yet again choose to exit the spaceship without proper protection or biocontrol


@dantheclamman I read Buzz Aldrinโ€™s first memoir a few years ago, and the part that stayed with me (beyond the frank talk about mental health) was that all three astronauts were put straight into quarantine for two weeks, and Buzz had to call his wife and ask her to bring him some of his underpants from homeโ€ฆ not something Iโ€™ve ever seen in scifi despite how compelling it is tbh

Dr. Dan Killam

New report in The Lancet finds pollution is responsible for a staggering 9 million deaths per year, which would mean it causes 1 in 6 deaths. A nearly incomprehensible level of human suffering.


@dantheclamman This is a shocking statistic. By comparison there have been ("only") 7 million Covid deaths - in *total*

(according to the WHO


@dantheclamman Go swimming off the LA coast and that number increases significantly I suspect being a DDT dumping ground and all.

Dr. Dan Killam

My office is downwind from a Costco bakery, so I get hit with a powerful cinnabun smell every time I walk outside. It's basically the only type of pollution I approve of.

Colin Burgess

@dantheclamman think of the folks downwind from the Sriracha factory!

Soh Kam Yung

@dantheclamman When I walk past durian stalls in Singapore, I like to inhale deeply too. ๐Ÿ™‚

Dr. Dan Killam

It is the time of year when we should bring tidings of good cheer

May your datetimes always be in ISO 8601 UTC, and your shapefiles in a well documented projection.

Dr. Dan Killam

If you want a scientist to read your email, just include "Decision on manuscript reached" in the subject line. They will wake up in a cold sweat and be compelled to open your email.

Dr. Dan Killam

Caption after the fact: a meme of Bernie Sanders, once again asking for you to use ISO 8601 time format

Dr. Dan Killam

These days, when I see a datetime column in a csv I have taken to proactively exploding into component pieces and rebuilding as a clean datetime. Just fed up.

Dr. Dan Killam

The amount of water a clam filters is called the clearance rate. This rate is typically measured in liters per hour per gram of clam mass. The clearance rate can decline if the bivalves "clam up" in response to stresses from temperature or salinity. They can also be reduced if the clams' gills are clogged by non-food particles, such as during a storm. The clams may increase clearance rate if they sense more plankton in the water, or if they are trying to bulk up before spawning!

Dr. Dan Killam

*wipes brow*
Dirty work in the data mines today.
*coughs out json*

Dr. Dan Killam

Bivalves aren't afraid to put their foot down! Many clams have a fleshy tongue-like appendage called a foot. They can use this to dig, drag themselves around, sense their environment, and a couple even secrete acid from their foot to bore into coral! Gif is of a cockle, which have a particularly muscular foot

Dr. Dan Killam

You know you're heavily invested in this thing when all your rpg characters have maxed out science and persuasion stats. Currently playing through The Outer Worlds as a huge dork, just like in Fallout.

Darius Kazemi

@dantheclamman my instinct in every RPG is to build out my character as close to "a poet who doesn't leave the house much" as possible

Dr. Dan Killam

"Extreme digestive plasticity suggests that eating com-
petition records are quite biologically impressive, especially in the context of
carnivorous species and other human athletic competitions." So proud of our silly species!
New article: Modelling the maximal active
consumption rate and its plasticity in
humansโ€”perspectives from hot dog
eating competitions

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