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Interesting, seeing the colored display I wonder if it was before or after IBM collaboration with Sony on the Dualpoint controller


@NanoRaptor I'd never trade Nintendo's D-Pad for a ThinkPoint. 🤣


Apple's innovative ADB Extended Mouse II provided the ability to use cursor keys to navigate without the need to switch back and forth from mouse to keyboard.

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Mark Dennehy

@NanoRaptor This is so pragmatic and useful in the real world that it can't be apple, it has to be parody.

Mike Torr

@NanoRaptor You know, I'm old enough to remember using Windows 3.1 at work - WITHOUT A MOUSE. It was actually possible in those days as developers always provided keyboard shortcuts for everything.

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River City Random ☑️

@NanoRaptor my blood sugar just went 'moof!' Should I seek medical attention?

Ian Hayes

@NanoRaptor It should have only one button, which should operate like the ThinkPad nipple (or whatever it's called.)


The NeXTstation mini featured a 40Mhz 68040 processor, internal 750 MB hard drive, 2.88MB Floppy and 230MB MO drive in a small magnesium case.

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Jason Perlow 🇮🇱

@NanoRaptor I had a pizza box when I was at Canon, I never saw the mini, must have been a late addition before the company stopped building hardware


The PowerBook G3 Quattro was fitted with four 300Mhz PowerPC G3 processors, enabling it to boot four operating systems at once. A favourite of admins who wanted to show off, working examples rarely appear for sale – most are still in active use.

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@NanoRaptor Can I just express how glorious your image alt text is here?

mia but how am i supposed to use plan 9 with only one trackpad button? can’t even chord in acme!


Motorola produced versions of the 68040 for many different computing purposes. The 68LC040 which lacked an FPU, the 68EC040 which had neither MMU or FPU, and the 68NC040 pictured here which lacked a CPU entirely.


It's a few decades ago around 8am, and you arrive at your university office. Early morning sun streams in the window, and you smell spring in the air. You sit down at your Apple Jonathan modular computer. It chimes to life and each module lights up in turn. The display crackles and degausses, a picture forms. Your day begins.

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Aaron Jun

@NanoRaptor The letter tray in six colors is perfect.


@NanoRaptor I've never seen a Jonathan, looks impressive. Do you know if this is the maximum configuration that was possible or was only the width of the desk the limit? 🤔😅

#applejonathan #apple #jonathan

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@NanoRaptor Ahahaha that is amazing!

(Side note, can you make sure you add image descriptions to your images so the blind and otherwise visually-impaired users here can participate too please? 🙂)

:tblverified: Cory W

@NanoRaptor DFWM but where the distraction is the physical proportions of the machine

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Ian Bowers

@NanoRaptor all dosimeters need a "drop & run" light tbh. "It's off the scale, and the rate at which it went off the scale suggests an environment not compatible with life"


Be sure to use gold-plated connectors for the most safe & reliable connections.

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Alex S.
@NanoRaptor finally found a connector that will let me plug in a so-called "electric" guitar

@NanoRaptor would be funny if someone seeing this picture is why cell phones don't have audio ports any more

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