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356 posts total

Bike parking — followed by outdoor dining — generates the most revenue for local businesses, nearly double the amount generated from on-street private car storage 👏

We need to inform local businesses of these facts, but also need SFMTA to make quick decisions based off of them.

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Peace Out Art :noverify:

This gives very little information for making across the board conclusions. There are two more links within the link you provided that explain just how complicated it is. A lot of variables are factored in such as location and access - whether walking or biking paths are highly available in the given areas, or if it’s more accessible to cars. The type of areas make a difference, as well as how far they’re coming from, what types of businesses they’re visiting, how long they’ll be there, how much they’re planning on spending (it’s always about money).

Bottom line, according to the info within each of the three links, is that it’s mixed.
There are WAY too many variables to conclude this is a *one size fits all* answer.
Unfortunately a lot of people won’t read further than the headline.

It seems like generally speaking it would be a good idea to mix it up: offer something for everyone. I’m absolutely pro-bike, but each of these options have value.

This gives very little information for making across the board conclusions. There are two more links within the link you provided that explain just how complicated it is. A lot of variables are factored in such as location and access - whether walking or biking paths are highly available in the given areas, or if it’s more accessible to cars. The type of areas make a difference, as well as how far they’re coming from, what types of businesses they’re visiting, how long they’ll be...

Johannes Hentschel

No one should ever need to pay for parking their bike. Make car parking crazily expenaive instead.


Does anyone know of a site that exposes dating scammers? I've got several of them by the balls.


An example of how #osm2gmaps will bridge the gap between #navigation applications in next release. This protects your #privacy if you use open-source applications and makes your life easier in all cases!

Here, by clicking on a #GoogleMaps link, osm2gmaps opens #OrganicMaps, the app I use every day for navigation.


La #RATP expérimente sa vidéosurveillance algorithmique pour les concerts de Taylor Swift
Comme l'a repéré David Libeau, la préfecture de Paris a publié (pdf) lundi 6 mai un arrêté autorisant la RATP à expérimenter dans les stations Nanterre et La Défense son dispositif de #videosurveillance #VSA pendant une semaine, du 7 au 14 mai 2024. L’arrêté est donc publié seulement 24h avant le début des opérations.

#Technopolice #LQDN via @metapress

La #RATP expérimente sa vidéosurveillance algorithmique pour les concerts de Taylor Swift
Comme l'a repéré David Libeau, la préfecture de Paris a publié (pdf) lundi 6 mai un arrêté autorisant la RATP à expérimenter dans les stations Nanterre et La Défense son dispositif de #videosurveillance #VSA pendant une semaine, du 7 au 14 mai 2024. L’arrêté est donc publié seulement 24h avant...


En Russie tu utilises des emojis arc-en-ciel et POUF tu fais 15 jours de prison.

This 🏳️‍🌈 kills facists.

Du coup je me sens obligé de rediffuser cette image :


lmao Pokémon Go players are inputting fake data on OpenStreetMap so they can catch some pokemon on their backyards and parks.

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David Amador

hope Niatic or Pokemon Company are giving some money to OpenStreetMap


@djlink oh so THAT's what i kept seeing in the user bans list


Everyone should immediately stop contributing to the stack overflow and its network. The human touch is what made it unique. Delete your profile from SO AND all your answers. Freeloaders are making money out of human contributions.

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Jason Hunter

@nixCraft I never expected to get paid for my SO answers. I wrote them so freeloading developers could freeload on me. I always expected SO as a site would make a few bucks to run the show. My answers were my donation to the universe. What’s the problem here again?

Len Frankel

@nixCraft a potential alternative is Codidact, which is essentially a Stack Exchange clone only open source and run by a not-for-profit. It was started up a few years back by ex StackOverflow moderator Monica Cellio (who was fired by SO in another one of their faux pas moments).

Oh FFS. Can we stop this LLM/data-hoovering rubbish already 🤦

Working on #osm2gmaps v0.5.0, you will be able to get converted links details in history

Gonna work on a custom link constructor now, but don't know if this will be for v0.5.0 or v0.6.0 🙆‍♂️


Yes, yes... YES!

Custom links will be here for v0.5.0!!! 😊


Working on #osm2gmaps v0.5.0, you will be able to get converted links details in history

Gonna work on a custom link constructor now, but don't know if this will be for v0.5.0 or v0.6.0 🙆‍♂️


Yes, yes... YES!

Custom links will be here for v0.5.0!!! 😊


I could add analytics on my Android app #osm2gmaps, with my own #Matomo server that I already have, but I don't want to.

But I just would like to know how many persons downloaded it, but I can't with #FDroid 😭


@retiolus It didn't work in 2010 (since then fdroid has been around), it doesn't work now and it won't work in the future.


@retiolus The privacy users can count on. You're welcome! ;)


Par ailleurs, La Quadrature du Net vient de déposer une plainte à la @CNIL contre un déploiement de la VSA totalement illégal et resté largement sous les radars : le projet Prevent PCP. Voici le texte de la plainte :


Pour les personnes qui sont à Paris cette semaine, plusieurs évènements !

Jeudi à 18h30, nous serons à l’école des arts déco (ENSAD) pour parler de vidéosurveillance. Vous pouvez vous inscrire ici :

Et vendredi soir nous organisons notre apéro mensuel dans nos locaux, au 115 rue de Ménilmontant, à partir de 19h. On vous parlera notamment de notre plan d’attaque contre les expérimentations de VSA qui viennent de débuter.

A très vite alors !


Je viens de recevoir les données associées à un compte #Bumble supprimé. Oui, supprimé. WAOW. #RGPD


The results are in, after seeing about 800 boosts on the post to see how the Mastodon embed actually affects our server load. Here's what happened....basically nothing for us.

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@gamingonlinux it's kinda funny that instead of hiring someone to submit a patch for their issue, #itsfoss decided to publish the article about their technical problems

The article reads superficial, like vague request for commercial proposal but for free lol

> #Mastodon instance admins, please fix our computer, or else we'll stop reposting to your social network

Folks, this is not journalism...


@gamingonlinux There’s a lot missing here. How many CPU cores? Is this normalized load? What was the latency? Were there timeouts? Why are you looking at ~10 minute intervals when the reported problem is with spikes of ~1 minute? Very “works on my machine” type post


#osm2gmaps v0.4.4 release:

- add support for DMS format
- add support for GeoHack link
- save links info as objects in History
- fix crash in About
- fix crash when gmapsUnshortener doesn't respond
- fix preferences not being applied on first run
- thanks to bov (French and Italian) and Vistaus (Dutch)

#osm2gmaps v0.4.4 release:

- add support for DMS format
- add support for GeoHack link
- save links info as objects in History
- fix crash in About
- fix crash when gmapsUnshortener doesn't respond
- fix preferences not being applied on first run
- thanks to bov (French and Italian) and Vistaus (Dutch)


If you are updating from v0.4.3 you will need to clear app storage in Android Settings for History to work


@retiolus I still have some languages to contribute. I can already translate into 75 languages


There are so many ways they could fix this (some of which would make the site a better experience for users, too!) it's laughable that they're putting this out there. Somebody there doesn't know what they're doing, obviously (and some of the comments are indeed calling them out on that already)


omg i just woke up and it’s the funniest thing ever
have you guys heard of rabbit r1, the new “teenage engineering” ai device of the “future”
people cracked it, turns out it’s just a cheap android 13 device running a system flutter app

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