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5 posts total
Jason Scott

Everybody else seems to be weighing in, but I'll do it to: The current "terrible" situation of Too Many Social Networks is just absolutely great - waking up and finding the primary way celebrity-brand-rando-weirdo culture was communicating had shifted overnight by fiat was getting dull, and a necessary evil for a twitter monopoly. Now we're back to where you can have 3-5 whole days before you find out there's drama.


@textfiles being on multiple social sites was normal before the big "universal" networks. You'd join different forums on separate websites to be part of the communities that shared your interests. Whether that be a wide tech site like Slashdot or the forum for a single game or book series

Christine Love

@textfiles also it's not like everyone being in a single place prevented every bit of drama turning into a game of Telephone with twenty steps of increasing context collapse anyway so how could it get worse

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David Glover-Aoki

@textfiles The loss of Weird Stuff still hurts, and I regularly regret not buying up half the place while I still had the opportunity.

Fuck Google for forcibly evicting them.

Jonathan Hendry


Made a point of going there on my first adult, solo trip to the Bay Area in 1995.

George Jones :emacs: :orgmode:

@textfiles I'd pay $129 for a VT100. To use even older analogies "The DC3/workhorse of terminals". The tactile response of those keyboards was satisfying. No question if you hit a key or not.

Jason Scott

Are you, and I mean it from the bottom of my heart, the absolutely stupidest person in the world, and have to do taxes?

There's now a complete unvetted anime-themed tax preparation software program on Steam that sucks in all your personal information and hopefully doesn't do what you know full well it will do?

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Alexis :verifiedtransbian:

@textfiles Obviously what the IRS needs to do is audit the program and add it to the free file list


I don't actually trust the program at all, I just love that this is a thing that exists

Rich Jeffery

"What in the world? That's both brilliant and terrible!"

"Oh, I see. It's MSCHF's April Fools product, from the creators of the ATM that has a hi score table... It just might be legit 😶"

Rich Jeffery

@textfiles I think it's more likely that it's the perfect product for many Twitch streamers to doxx themselves. 😆

Jason Scott

Great news, @internetarchive is now the official Internet Archive Mastodon account. Accept no substitutes! We also have @brewsterkahle , the ever-fascinating founder of the place, and more coming soon. Hop on!

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