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37 posts total
DJM (freelance for hire)

Le technicien pour l'ordinateur a une drôle de façon de tester les câbles, mais bon, chacun sa méthode...
OUI, l'ordinateur est débranché et ne fonctionne plus depuis un certain temps !!!!

DJM (freelance for hire)

“Feeding your cat’s instincts”

Advertising campaign by Whiskas in 2013: “Feeding your cat’s instincts”.

DJM (freelance for hire)

Catfie is the real thing…

Catfie? Cats taking selfies? Monkeys do, why not cats…

DJM (freelance for hire)

Yep, when the cat has no intention to collaborate, this can happen...
Alien 👽 or not...

DJM (freelance for hire)

Mimi (5w old now) has a new enemy... it's blue and usually on 1 of my feet...
Meanwhile, uncle cat is watching and trying to avoid contact as much as possible...

DJM (freelance for hire)

"The Norwegian Forest cat is strongly built and larger than an average cat." Indeed...

Edit: see comment for more info

DJM (freelance for hire)

Here's Mimi, born 4 weeks ago.
He just started exploring the world around him, but Mama is around and scolds him a lot!

DJM (freelance for hire)


Solo or family activity

Where I live in Benin, we have big lizards and geckos too. The cats don't like them... And they regularly offer me their catch, sometimes only half..., usually in my bedroom

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