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4 posts total
Mikko Koski 🇫🇮

I no longer use cider-jack-in. Instead, I start the REPL on the command line and use cider-connect, which has significantly improved my REPL uptime. If my Emacs crashes, my REPL remains active.

Mikko Koski 🇫🇮

I always found "jack-in" to be too magical and didn't fully understand what it was doing. Now, when I start my own REPL and connect, I know exactly what's happening.

Mikko Koski 🇫🇮

It turns out that using var-quoting with reagent (React) components isn't such a good idea.

Var-quoting makes the component function not `identical?` to itself, which causes unnecessary remounts.

(defn foo-component [,,,])

(identical? foo-component foo-component) #=> true

(identical? #'foo-component #'foo-component) #=> false (<-- react will remount)

Mikko Koski 🇫🇮

Hey people, what are the parts in Clojure that you find unfriendly?

"derived vars" is the number one thing that comes to my mind.

But what else comes to your mind? How do you work around them?

Mikko Koski 🇫🇮

This question came to my mind while reading the reddit post: Why can't defmulti be REPL friendly by default?


@rap1ds I've settled on using refresh from tools.namespace and keeping my code reloadable

Mikko Koski 🇫🇮

Shout out to lein-tools-deps ( It was a huge help when we migrated from leiningen to deps. After taking it to use, we were able to migrate everyting to deps/clojure cli incrementally, piece by piece. Great project!

Datenschauer :verified:

@rap1ds I am very new to Clojure, but could you point to some guidance/explanations what lets you favor deps over leiningen? 🙏

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