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Writing documentation that formalizes something that looks very common sensical can be a huge slog. RFCs as documentation feel extremely cumbersome, both on the authoring side and on the implementing side.

This came to me as I'm working on a #FEP document for Collection filtering on #C2S #ActivityPub.


@darius I know you had a hobby of reading RFCs for fun, but sorry if this request is not welcome. :D

Would you mind to take a look at my extension to RFC3896 Section 3.4 (URL Query) syntax that I detail in this #FEP document[1]?

I have no previous experience with the way the RFC grammar syntax is defined and maybe you have more experience and can tell me if I made any mistakes in it. The rest of the document is far from done, so it can be ignored.


@darius I know you had a hobby of reading RFCs for fun, but sorry if this request is not welcome. :D

Would you mind to take a look at my extension to RFC3896 Section 3.4 (URL Query) syntax that I detail in this #FEP document[1]?

I have no previous experience with the way the RFC grammar syntax is defined and maybe you have more experience and can tell me if I made any mistakes in it. The rest of the document is far from done, so it can be ignored.

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