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1,346 posts total
Gnosyz 🖖:straightally:

Well, I guess, we are 24 hours from either a military coup in Russia or nothing will change at all.

Gnosyz 🖖:straightally:

Охуеть, Пригожин объявил, что собирается устроить военный переворот в России

Meko #nowar
@ZySoua а помнишь 2020 год, все вируса боялись...

Как будто другая жизнь была.
Gnosyz 🖖:straightally:

Let's play a game

Gnosyz 🖖:straightally:

I'll just say in my own defense that Rush - the pilot and the owner of the submarine back in 2021 has told the press that he made the sub partly from fiberglass specifically because "he knows he has broken some rules, but it is exactly what makes people remember you"

In other words - they deserved what they got, rich dumbasses

Gnosyz 🖖:straightally:

So I guess they discovered submarine possible crash site... well "play stupid games, win stupid prizes"

Gnosyz 🖖:straightally:

Don’t forget to eat your lunch. I am eating mine at work.

Gnosyz 🖖:straightally:

I saw lightning strike teletower twice today during thunderstorm in duration of about five minutes. Cool stuff

Gnosyz 🖖:straightally:

A thunderstorm has arrived. And it’s pouring rain. Finally, after so long drought

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