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Rob Carlson

Microsoft: I swear I have no knowledge about you besides what you tell me.

Microsoft: I insist I have no knowledge of your location.

Microsoft: The weather in Parkville, Maryland where you are is sunny and 35 degrees.

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Chris Johnson

@vees I can feel the burn in Redmond from here (about 2000 miles).

Sigma I actually think the "situational context" is a hallucination. My guess is that the location is coming from the weather app. The AI signals the system that it needs information from the weather module which probably includes the location in its response.
Seems much more realistic to me than Microsoft giving the AI user data and instructing it to lie - what’s the point of doing that? (Dumping context info in the System prompt is also much more error-prone in my experience.)
And the "situational context" just sounds like BS to me.

It’s probably similar to ChatGPT being unable to tell you what the current date is, but it can tell you when your message was sent, because that data is part of the message meta data. I actually think the "situational context" is a hallucination. My guess is that the location is coming from the weather app. The AI signals the system that it needs information from the weather module which probably includes the location in its response.
Seems much more realistic to me than Microsoft giving the AI user data and instructing it to lie - what’s the point of doing that? (Dumping context info in the System prompt is also much more error-prone in my experience.)

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