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9 posts total
Jake in the desert

Multimedia Cats by Inroads Interactive from 1995 - 'Cat Quiz'.

You can grab this software free here at the Internet Archive

#cats #90s #software #90sSoftware #Windows #MultimediaCats #Caturday #WindowsSoftware #OldComputers

Jake in the desert

It's #Caturday. This was from a couple days ago and it's adorable 😻

#cats #CatsOfMastodon

Jake in the desert

Lola looking beautiful, strange, and then a little sly at the end of our #Caturday

#cats #CatsOfMastodon

Jake in the desert

@eaton absolutely. All the analytics and obsession with SEO and buying ads on search destroyed it, by boosting the attention-seeking liar results to the top every time someone searches. It's the MOST frustrating garbage.

Jake in the desert

@dantescanline NAILED IT!! 😂😂🔥🔥🔥

Jake in the desert

@grammargirl wow this is genius. 🤯 Bring it everywhere! 🤣

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