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4 posts total

Well, I started on my Debian rebuild project, and have been re-reminded on how horribly jank the backend is.

Plus I might have to rebuild all the source packages to generate new changes files, because the only archive software that can handle the installer udebs *can't* import source packages without a changes file, and the changes file (which is a signed ticket for a given upload) isn't included last I checked ...

FML - so much for quick and easy project.


Honestly, I might just use dak, and hope the import-repo command has been fixed in the decades since I last tried it - at least 15 years ago, I knew how it worked, and my database update code is still in the archive and used


I just had the stupidest stream idea:

* Turn my resume into a manpage, on an ancient UNIX, on stream

Inspired by a stupid idea on LinkedIn ... (and yes, I am job hunting)


@marcan has a thread on how the D Language Community has no problem with hatred in their tanks.

@LunaFoxgirlVT posted about this on a now deleted post on the forums, and well, I'll lead this link to the thread for those who want to read more:


@marcan @LunaFoxgirlVT speaking as someone who deals with this regularly, we have specific places for politics, and very clear rules against discrimination.

By and large, "no politics" rules is basically allows someone to make a statement, then hide behind the rules when someone refutes it.

The fact that Luna called out valid criticism, and then got deleted very much is an example of this.


I think I know what I'm doing this weekend ...


@ncommander I'm really hungry to know what you will cook 🍖

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