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19 posts total
Made it so you can set up your Fedi/AP/Mastodon/whatever id in Nuclide and it'll set select infokeys. So VGUI styled scoreboards show your Fedi avatar or whatever. #nuclide #quakec #gamedev

Check out this new :quake: LibreQuake video by @MissLavender:

Anyone who aspires to work on a game of their own some day should get their feet wet by contributing to projects like this. Or simply use it as a base for your prototyping needs in the Quake engine.

#freesoftware #games #modding


Anyone interested in the original The Sims game should check out this YouTube channel which is showing off internal tools/scripting and prototype builds. #gamedev #TheSims

Last couple of maps I've been waypointing for FreeGearbox and it's CTF component. Estimated release at the end of this month. Some of them still have quite a bit of work to do... not even scratching the surface 😆
The 'Pizza Frenzy Deluxe' Steam discussions have been used for many years to promote a third party addon scraping website for Minecraft. Why? How? Life and its many secrets. #Steam #Minecraft #ManyQuestions
If you're wondering where I am, it's in the very Duke Nukem 3D looking apartment browsing the Fediverse on my Web Cruiser (tm)
So the Steam client back/forward buttons are throwing me into random locations since the last update... I don't think I've ever gotten this annoyed at this program
Gonna revive this instead so you all don't have to deal with me bitching
Today in 2001, Half-Life: Blue Shift released...
...and on the same day, it was announced that the Dreamcast version of :hl1: Half-Life was cancelled.

Looking for a specific file. I know the chances are low.

Name: FAKKTools.exe/fakktools.exe Date: 2000-09-15

Not the one from 2000-09-17, and it should not have the sha256 of 9a8b0710e9a5d28ca533f44e40894b27e515223fdff455d16d976911b9f81f3d

Went through ArchiveTeam’s files, discmaster etc. all the usual places. If you have or know anyone that happens to have hoarded Ritual Entertainment files. Please point me in their direction.


Remembered this tweet this morning
@eukara try to search for a C string on Google images.

Spoiler alert, it's NSFW.
You know how it is, been working on non visual fluff again. Can't show you any real screenshots... but I guess I can talk about what I'm working on nonetheless.

A bunch of semi related ideas borrowed and inspired by id Tech 4. Things like EntityDefs are fully working in Nuclide for example.

They'll be used to cut down on a lot of code. I already have stripped some out of FreeDMC.
You know how it is, been working on non visual fluff again. Can't show you any real screenshots... but I guess I can talk about what I'm working on nonetheless.

A bunch of semi related ideas borrowed and inspired by id Tech 4. Things like EntityDefs are fully working in Nuclide for example.
After over a year, I got approved for permanent residence :)
As promised on my last upload, a video:

This time showing off the bit-more-WIP TFC re-implementation that I've been working on more last month with @Xylemon

also a cursed bonus at the end, since a lot of people may not know what other things FTE may be capable of
As promised on my last upload, a video:

This time showing off the bit-more-WIP TFC re-implementation that I've been working on more last month with
Getting the OP4 CTF entities into gearbox/src. #quakec
After today cs_747.bsp will be considered dated.

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