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26 posts total
Jan Wildeboer 😷:krulorange:

considered harmful by . Wow. So much for being open and inclusive, Twitter?

Jan Wildeboer 😷:krulorange:

Funny thing: my Toot got crossposted to Twitter, so it seems to be a specific block for (and maybe other instances too?)

Jan Wildeboer 😷:krulorange:

creator Guido van Rossum puts it plain and simple. Asked about what role python could play in the world, he says

β€žLet web3 die in a flaming ball of fire.β€œ

Jan Wildeboer 😷:krulorange:

Yes, it seems that when you’re vaccinated and boosted, your experience with Omicron can range from asymptomatic to mild to quite tough - but almost never to life threatening levels. Still - it’s not a cold or flu. 😷

Jan Wildeboer 😷:krulorange:

Be decent. Ignore Hot Takes that only serve some fringe wish for recognition driven by fear and anger. Your like of that doesn't make things better. The opposite, actually.

Jan Wildeboer 😷:krulorange:

OK. This is quite technical. But TL;DR - the neural hash system uses for their CSAM detection has been confronted with its first possible collision by some good hackers. This dog might be marked by the system as suspicious. Ouch. Issue 1 at

Jan Wildeboer 😷:krulorange:

To all those that still think might not be that big a thing. Here’s the death toll of Covid19 compared to SARS and H1N1. Sorted by days since outbreak. 🏑 🧼 😷 Source:

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