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Jan Wildeboer 😷:krulorange:

#Mastodon considered harmful by #Twitter. Wow. So much for being open and inclusive, Twitter?

Jan Wildeboer 😷:krulorange:

Funny thing: my Toot got crossposted to Twitter, so it seems to be a specific block for (and maybe other instances too?)

Dirk Primbs

@jwildeboer @ainmosni

hm... never had a problem.

Maybe your link is flagged because it is generic? Also the the algorithm may have been "trained" by dislikes on the platform to be sceptical about certain URLs and if it is the generic one you may fall beyond the threshold twitter has defined...

I also never just link to the instance itself but generally have a specific link to a profile or some such thing.

Care to try that as well?

Jan Wildeboer 😷:krulorange:

@dirkprimbs @ainmosni Sure. A link to a specific toot on works. A link to the site itself is considered harmful.

Dirk Primbs

@jwildeboer @ainmosni

That kinda hardens my suspicion.
This is not Twitter bitching against Mastodon, it is the algorithm misjudging the likelihood of a problematic link.

I'd simply link specifically then, e.g. with

Dirk Primbs

@jwildeboer @ainmosni

I was just trying to give a bit of perspective. Knowing what a dance it can be to design filters in software it is fairly common to have accidental false positives without malintent. But I'm not here to defend twitter per se :-)

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