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5 posts total


Today we're celebrating one year of sharing our lives with Her Impurrial Highness, Purrincess Nami, the Great Wave Herself, Magnificent Conqueror of the Back Garden and the Lands Beyond, Destroyer of String, and completely adorable goofball...

So glad she chose to join our family. She is an utter delight.


Everything's just too hard and horrible out there, so here have a photo of Nami sleeping dramatically instead...

(She's so ridiculous. I adore her.)


On we snooze in interpretative dance...


Happy Caturday!

May all your naps be deeply relaxed and adorable...


On Caturday, the Official Cupboard Inspector says "mrow?!"

(I understand this translates roughly as "what the everloving fuck?!")

This is "Soul Your Space" in progress... I'm determined to turn my study cupboard into a place of functionality and beauty - somehow!

In the meantime, it's emptied out and I have the Big Pile O' Randomness to sort through (see right side of pic) and a confused cat to soothe...

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