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3 posts total
Daniel aka CyReVolt 🐢

Hey everyone, we're doing this again:
#IWP9, the International Workshop on Plan 9, is going to happen this very week(end)!

Keep checking for details, such as the schedule.
We will do our best to provide a smooth live video stream at

Daniel aka CyReVolt 🐢


We just *fully* booted into #Linux on the #VisionFive2 #RISCV board using #oreboot as #firmware and a u-root rootfs. 🧑‍💻

This took quite a while again and I had needed some breaks here and there. Go 1.21RC2 has the necessary alignment checks for this to work without too much performance penalty otherwise caused if Linux or (even worse!) oreboot handled this.
In other news, this is a vast improvement to what OpenSBI offers. Less hacks, a cleaner architecture, and IT WORKS! 🥳

Daniel aka CyReVolt 🐢

We're now running #Doom via `cpu` over USB gadget ethernet on the MangoPi MQ-Pro (D1 RISC-V SoC).

It took a few steps to get there.

And finally, we're now drafting a nice setup menu - henceforth named teaboot. :)

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