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Are you willing to tinker and wrench things if needed?

And how much cargo are we talking? If you're trying to carry another human being, yeah I wouldn't try to jerry rig anything. But for groceries you could add on racks and bags to a non cargo bike. That would definitely be cheaper than a dedicated cargo bike.

That said, the Lectric Xpedition is currently on sale for 1699, almost within your range, maybe you could stretch it upward a little?

Are you willing to tinker and wrench things if needed?

And how much cargo are we talking? If you're trying to carry another human being, yeah I wouldn't try to jerry rig anything. But for groceries you could add on racks and bags to a non cargo bike. That would definitely be cheaper than a dedicated cargo bike.

Marcos Dione

@smeg TBH, there doesn't seems to be many. Here in France the cheapest swings between 2.7k and 2.9k Euros.


The single battery version of the Lectric XPedition is under $1500.

We own two of the folding XP step through (original version). They aren't the best out there, but they have been reliable and are a good value.


We all have a little something special inside

Ei Bart

@smeg boomers have microplatics in them, too, both have fine dust in them.

Jesper Buhl

@smeg Late Gen Xโ€™er here with both lead and micro plastics inside. Best of both worlds! ๐Ÿ˜

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