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Nathalie Lawhead (alienmelon)

🤯 Incredibly cool tool alert! 👇
👉 Super Fun Wow Comic Creation Kit 👈
make comics in your browser on your desktop/laptop.
this tool is incredible, amazing, beautiful...and loads of fun.
quickly throw together cute comics and export them.

A comic I made featuring a rabbit saying "Yay! I made a comic!" and then it's in a layer ready to fight a fish with legs.
Nathalie Lawhead (alienmelon)

sometimes the secret code name indie devs have for their game is way cooler than the actual name the game ends up getting, i am so sorry for saying this.

raganwald 🍓

@alienmelon "Butt-Headed Astronomer" is an oldie but goodie in this genre.

When Apple engineers codenamed their 1994 Power Macintosh 7100 "Carl Sagan,” the late astronomer thought it would be misconstrued as an endorsement and asked them to change it. Apple complied, instead codenaming it "BHA", short for "butt-headed astronomer”. When Sagan found out he sued them claiming it damaged his reputation.

Who won? Apple. A judge dismissed Sagan's claims, saying "one does not seriously attack the expertise of a scientist using the undefined phrase 'butt-head'.” Sagan appealed, lost, then he appealed again. In ¢ the end he settled for an undisclosed sum, and Apple changed the codename again, this time to "LaW", short for "Lawyers are Wimps".
Nathalie Lawhead (alienmelon)

sharing the two links i mentioned during the game engine panel…
they r invaluable resources & if i’d choose just two resources for where to find alternative tools, these would be it…
the game engine database:
tiny tools directory:

Nathalie Lawhead (alienmelon)

Kidpix the Early Years:
this is inspiring reading. it’s worth sharing every time i see it!
“Since I was going to give the program away I decided I could design it exactly the way I wanted. These were its guiding principles:…”

Nathalie Lawhead (alienmelon)

“Palestinian Relief Bundle is LIVE! $~1657 worth of creative work for an $8 donation.”
it’s finally live and it’s a miracle it made it so please check it out, share, and spread the word.
this cause is deeply important. every little bit helps.
“all proceeds from the Palestinian Relief indie bundle will be donated to the PCRF (Palestine Children's Relief Fund).”
#GameDev #IndieGames #Games #Bundle #IndieGame

Cover art from the bundle page featuring a game controller with the Palestine flag on it.
Nathalie Lawhead (alienmelon)

🛠️✏️💕🖍️✨ did u enjoy making zines with the Electric Zine Maker? do u look back fondly at the days of Kai’s Power Goo or Kid Pix? well here’s a reminder that i keep a large curation of small and experimental (often silly) creative tools on itch:
they are all made by indie devs and a lot of fun to create art in!
#GameDev #IndieDev #Art #Tool #Software #FreeSoftware #OpenSource #Creative

Nathalie Lawhead (alienmelon)

I published this tutorial on getting Bitsy running in Unreal (packaged with your game)... for those of you who are interested!
"Packaging your game with AND locally loading Bitsy in Unreal (Or Pocket Platformer, or Decker, or any other HTML project...)"
There's a lot you can do with this. This overview explains the basics.
#GameDev #IndieGameDev #Bitsy #Tutorial #Porgramming #UnrealEngine #UnrealDev #IndieGames

I published this tutorial on getting Bitsy running in Unreal (packaged with your game)... for those of you who are interested!
"Packaging your game with AND locally loading Bitsy in Unreal (Or Pocket Platformer, or Decker, or any other HTML project...)"

Nathalie Lawhead (alienmelon)

here is a powerful piece by @swanchime about trauma in games. it’s pointed and thoughtful. a must read!
“THE NATURE OF THE LIVING IS TO FORBID THE DEAD: though they may yet walk among us (a working thesis on traumatic interactive fiction)”
“it is easier to create semi-fictional vessels for trauma than it is…to acknowledge they are things that happened to you at all”
#IndieGames #IndieGame #Writing #Art

Nathalie Lawhead (alienmelon)

i put together a long hopefully helpful curation of alternative game engines. there are so many, some deserve a lot more attention, all with their own strengths and benefits.
"The Generous Space of Alternative Game Engines (A Curation)"
keep fighting the good fight!
(re-posts appreciated 😊🙏💕✨)
#GameDev #IndieGameDev #IndieDeveloper #IndieDev #Software #Coding #Tools #Curation #Blog

Leo Sanders

@alienmelon Awesome list and read! 😊
but… no Flutter 🥲

RPG in a Box

@alienmelon Thank you, Nathalie, for all you've done to help share about RPG in a Box (and all of these cool tools) with others! It really means so much! 😊💖

Nathalie Lawhead (alienmelon)

in case u don’t know about it, i’ll share it here too because i think it’s brilliant! (and useful)…
an amazing website builder tool that lets you easily drag and drop various elements to make a good looking site:
there are lots of features (upcoming ones too) that surround its core concept, making it super useful… especially if you find CSS and html unintuitive.
#tools #software #webdev #websites

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