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2 posts total

Here are a few photos from the zoo today. Now with which do we start... right, foxes of course!

A slightly annoyed fennec, someone was cleaning up the sand in her enclosure and disturbing her peace.

Also, it was rather cold outside, good thing she still has that thick fluff. :blobfoxcomfy:

#Fennec #Fox #AugsburgZoo


Speaking of cold... heating pipes look awfully uncomfortable but at least they seem to be warm. #Meerkat life...


That's a bit of an odd one, alpacas either must love to roll in hay or they simply don't care. Good camo though!

The pelicans were nicely sorted by size and I am not sure about this sparrow. Fat or fluffy? :blobfoxpeek:


Had a few bonus fennec foxes to add from yesterday. Although she was only sleeping in those... and ignoring me.

Time to add these to @fennecbot and I guess cause some fennec overload on the toomanyfoxes one :blobfoxsmirk:

#Fennec #Fox


Gay gang :blobfoxlurk2owonotice:

If you want to take any of them home, they are buyable from my (new) fox shop:

Trying out Ko-fi for this one, let me know if I broke something in the store. :3 Or if you want any other combination of fox+flag.

#MastoArt #Fox #Pride #3DPrinting


All have been sent except one custom trans fox. If your tracking doesn't work with the URL in the mail you got, let me know. First time trying this shop system and me + software = :blobfoxtableflip: usually. :3

And thank you so much everyone. :blobfoxheartcute:

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