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13 posts total
Play Ball!!! cafechatnoir

Evening snacks acquired, tail over nose time. (With a very wee bit of side eye for taking photos.)


Play Ball!!! cafechatnoir

The LilyMonster took her gabapentin this morning! The last day and half we just couldn’t get “Sure, I’d love a snack!” time synced up with “special gabapentin snack time” - we have buprinex, too, and it does the job, but we don’t have a ton of it, and we have LOTS of gabapentin for her.

But this morning, she chowed down her special snack straight out of the gate, then had a whole can of gooshy food, more snacks, and is happily snoozing. Yay!


Play Ball!!! cafechatnoir

Whenever Lily decides to nap somewhere different, I'm never totally sure if it's just where she wants to nap, or if she's feeling poorly and hiding there. Today it was under a table in the spare room.

I checked on her so many times she was finally just, "OMG, fine, I'll come be in the room with you if I can just nap in peace!" 😹

She demanded belly rubs right after I took the pic.


Play Ball!!! cafechatnoir

It's been a while since we could have the windows open.

Play Ball!!! cafechatnoir

Just following the sunbeams this chilly morning. (No idea how that floor runner got smooshed over so far.)


Play Ball!!! cafechatnoir

This snoozy gal is having a great day. Took her meds, had breakfast, took a nap, had second breakfast, took another nap, had a snack, a big groom session and now, the current nap - just waiting for the sunbeams to hit that spot in a few minutes. 😻

As for me, all the Saturday bits around the house are done, the laundry is going and I think the rest of the day will be reading, eating, and napping - Lily is an excellent role model for that.


Play Ball!!! cafechatnoir

Yay, I am off work for the weekend and I was thinking of going for a walk as it seems nice out, but there is a kitty leaning on my leg, so we're gonna relax and read. I know the rules. 😻


Play Ball!!! cafechatnoir

Got a nice shot of the LilyMonster being all pretty. 😻

Play Ball!!! cafechatnoir

It's been ~2 years since we had measurable snow - the LilyMonster forgot that she's not afraid of snowplows. With a ton of heavy duty reassurance, she's quite stoic about it all, cause she has to look out for me.

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