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19 posts total
Dr. Quadragon โŒ

@ChrisPirillo Living in the world where high-speed calculators are *everywhere*.

JJ Allen ๐Ÿณ๏ธโ€๐ŸŒˆ

@ChrisPirillo Back when I worked on the manufacturing side of publishing, I got volunteered to work on a project with someone on the office side of things at another facility for a one-off project. Every time she had a question, she'd try to schedule a 30-45 min conference call. It seemed like it took forever to just send a fricking email. ๐Ÿ™„

Chris Pirillo

updating my default dating profile pic now

Chris Pirillo

the person who most needs to see this won't, and even if they do... they won't think it's about them

Chris Pirillo

shouldn't the conversation be about the use of our personal and private data from any company - foreign or domestic - not just the ones with apps we opt into using? #privacy #tech #tiktok #video #montana #government

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The douchebag forgot to mention he is perfectly fine with companies owned by American billionaires harvesting personal and private data from Americans


There was an amendment offered on the House Floor to do just that - protect our data from other companies besides ByteDance - and it was voted down by the Republican majority.

Dispatches from Floor 13

Yeah but the other ones donate to various people in the government. Can't do anything to those or it'll cost them money.

Shadowy Cabal Enthusiast

@ChrisPirillo If Twitter is dying this weekend (which seems possible) the Thunberg/Tate Tussle seems like a wonderfully wacky grace note

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