29 posts total
You'll probably see plenty of news reports today about the dire warnings from the new IPCC climate change report. But don't worry! Our government has the problem under control. They're working toward "Net Zero by 2050" to save the world! 😅 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1FqXTCvDLeo #IPCC #Environment #Climate #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #ClimateAction #CO2 #KeepItInTheGround It's hard to imagine how anyone could oppose taking such a positive humanitarian step forward. And yet it's also impossible to imagine this actually happening. What's the disconnect? The government of Australia has prepared an infomercial expressing their confidence in our collective future. I feel so much better now! 🥰 @breadandcircuses
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@breadandcircuses I mentioned to a friend this morning that I feel like I haven’t changed anyone’s mind about anything—not about climate change, abortion rights, or creeping fascism, let alone giving up Facebook or Twitter. I asked her, “what do you think change’s people’s minds?” and she said, “experience.” And all this time I thought education was so that we didn’t have to experience everything—we could learn about stuff* and act on what we had learned. Silly me. *not from lies, though @breadandcircuses The psychological part of our predicament can't be understated. It's what created the whole situation. Technology can't fix our flaws as a species. Mastodon friends seem to want to be more activist on climate change. The problem seems to be that many already struggle mightily each day just to stay alive, one more day. Each day they are alive is a gift they cherish, often with loved ones in similar straights. Many folks already suffer the kind of harm that climate change will no doubt increase in ever way every where. We are all linked in struggles, hardships that are already many, for many, and multiplying. :mastodon:
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@breadandcircuses I dont think it even needs to be that far ahead,the next few years will be harsh for much of the world @breadandcircuses Or because our options are limited by system problems and circumstances. Hopefully then the answer is to fight to change the system. @breadandcircuses part of the problem is that our drives are dictated by our instincts and emotions. We can understand that we will be in trouble in a decade at an intellectual level, but we have a much greater emotional attachment to the current self. This makes it hard to make sacrifices now for the abstract future version of yourself. People inevitably end up prioritizing their current comforts and hoping that future problems will somehow get solved when the time comes. This cartoon is funny... 😄 so why am I crying? 😢 #Extinction #ClimateCrisis
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@breadandcircuses and no more gas lawn mowers, either! I use only a push mower and it is non-polluting and sometimes even cuts the grass! I get exercise, too! Win, win all the way around.
@breadandcircuses Have a powerful electric leaf blower that is used exclusively to blow snow off my deck and stairs here in northeastern Minnesota. 💨❄️
I feed & water the birds and the bees & other insects with water features along my deck railing with bird feeders and with planting flowers in planters on my small deck and other small gardens in my yard. It’s small scale with this 110 year old house (only 1050 square feet) and fits me and my dog & 2 cats well, but every little bit helps.
@breadandcircuses I never rake my leaves. I leave them out, let them break down. Helps the soil. Also will use them in my garden when I get it set up.