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Bread and Circuses

If people were given a short look, just a glimpse, at what the *actual* future will be like only 10 or 20 years from now — we would have a panic on our hands.

But that’s not how life works. We can’t see into the future, and few of us try to imagine it in any detail. Most are too busy, too distracted, or too beaten down by the present.

So we don’t see. We can’t see. We are denied an accurate, honest awareness of how scary and how serious our present predicament is. In reality, it demands urgent drastic action.

And even if we do understand this intellectually, we keep putting off action until later because we’re too busy and too distracted… or maybe because it’s too frightening to think about.

#ClimateCrisis #BiodiversityLoss #Future #ClimateAction

DoubleTreble 🥰🌸🌍🌹🐱🧶🫖

This is all so true, worryingly many of us have seen it coming for decades, the evidence has been there, you just have to open your eyes and ears, but we are constantly bombarded with trivia, and told we have time to mitigate, and what can we do anyway!!!!
We living with #climatechange NOW..….
and yet people still think they are powerless and there's time . Whilst we're not perfect myself and Mr DoubleTreble have been doing what we can for as long as we can, sadly it often feels like screaming into the void 😢

This is all so true, worryingly many of us have seen it coming for decades, the evidence has been there, you just have to open your eyes and ears, but we are constantly bombarded with trivia, and told we have time to mitigate, and what can we do anyway!!!!
We living with #climatechange NOW..….
and yet people still think they are powerless and there's time . Whilst we're not perfect myself and Mr DoubleTreble have been doing what we can for as long as we can, sadly it often feels like...

Random Walker 😷🇪🇺🍸

@DoubleTreble @breadandcircuses

But what if it's slower than expected? And we keep Business As Normal going till 2075 before the axe falls? I don't know, 50 years I've been waiting so far. Maybe I won't see it. Maybe my kids won't either.


Random Walker 😷🇪🇺🍸

@breadandcircuses @DoubleTreble

What's the point. I'm never going to see the rainforest anyway. ;)

Seriously though, I get mildly irritated with the belief that it's all going to collapse in the very short term. Like the /r/collapse view: "we'll be lucky to see 2030". It will be faster than expected but only because we're in denial. But Business As Normal could easily still be going strong in 2050; A mere 27 years away.

Like I said. Read Limits to Growth in early 70s. Still waiting.

L'égrégore André ꕭꕬ

@jbond @breadandcircuses @DoubleTreble It's here, just unevenly distributed, and the worst part is that the ones causing most of it are the least affected.

Random Walker 😷🇪🇺🍸

@Mabande @breadandcircuses @DoubleTreble The clarification still didn't come out quite right. Yes, indeed. Collapse is already here, just not evenly distributed. Even in Brexitania it's easy to forget you could find yourself in Syria or Somalia, or Pakistan. And Climate Change is just a bit of weird weather if you're not in Delhi in May. Or Phoenix. Or Sydney.

Tarmo Amer

Perhaps, perhaps. If the Germans of Weimar Republic were shown a glimpse of Berlin in 1945, maybe they would have chosen a different path.
But then again, maybe not.
Mysterious thing, human nature.



The movie Melancholia comes to mind. It's like we know it's going to slam into us now, so we just do erratic, senseless shit like sit under the gazebo and wait. Which is about the truth of what can be done now as far as preventing anything. Thankfully it's not planetary collision; something might come out on the other side. Maybe.


Two of the (many) things that keep me up at night:
decreased glaciers leading to increased tectonic/volcanic activity (and accompanying particulate and gaseous releases), and
the massive feedback loop of methane and CO2 from melting permafrost and subsurface carbonate.

I have daymares about the Earth turning into another Venus... 🫣😅

Two of the (many) things that keep me up at night:
decreased glaciers leading to increased tectonic/volcanic activity (and accompanying particulate and gaseous releases), and
the massive feedback loop of methane and CO2 from melting permafrost and subsurface carbonate.

I have daymares about the Earth turning into another Venus... 🫣😅

cognitively accessible math

@breadandcircuses Yes. And the whole "wow, wasn't that weird weather?????" as if we don't need to STOP THE EMISSIONS...


@breadandcircuses When I was young scientists predicted that we’d hit climate crisis by the time I was old. And here we are.

Alistair K

@MissPixiePancake @breadandcircuses me, too. We talked about it in class at primary school. Adults denied it. They still say that debt is an instrument to spread costs over those who benefit from expense, and they still won't answer to who's going to pay for what they enjoyed.


@MissPixiePancake @breadandcircuses that's weird because I remember we were all gonna have to face a mini ice age. Newspapers had articles on it. Radio shows discussed it. I remember being young scared and angry over it and how there were going to be food shortages and so on.

I am totally NOT denying that our climate has changed (it doesn't snow here now in winter 😭). We totally must be kinder to our beautiful earth. I don't need (or want to) buy biscuits from the other side of the planet.

I just don't believe we will solve it with electric cars or turning down the thermostat. (Or having fewer babies).

@MissPixiePancake @breadandcircuses that's weird because I remember we were all gonna have to face a mini ice age. Newspapers had articles on it. Radio shows discussed it. I remember being young scared and angry over it and how there were going to be food shortages and so on.

I am totally NOT denying that our climate has changed (it doesn't snow here now in winter 😭). We totally must be kinder to our beautiful earth. I don't need (or want to) buy biscuits from the other side of the planet.


@breadandcircuses Given that we've had so many natural disasters in the past year, and people's houses are falling into the ocean, I'm not sure how folks can avoid understanding that it's going to get worse minute by minute. We need to take immediate action.

Ceejae Devine


So it's because "we" don't see? "We" are too busy, too distracted?

What should "we" be doing?

Bread and Circuses

I'd say there are two ways to answer your question.

First, we can do the small things like stop flying, shift to a meatless diet, ride a bike or walk instead of driving everywhere... and those are all good things, but they won't really make a huge difference, because it's the people in power who have to take the biggest steps, make the course-changing decisions that are so urgently needed.

So, the second thing we can do is join up with, or at least actively support, the nearest strong protest movement that we can find. And if there isn't one, maybe try to organize a Fridays For Future strike action together with our neighbors.

Also see this post and the comments to it --

I'd say there are two ways to answer your question.

First, we can do the small things like stop flying, shift to a meatless diet, ride a bike or walk instead of driving everywhere... and those are all good things, but they won't really make a huge difference, because it's the people in power who have to take the biggest steps, make the course-changing decisions that are so urgently needed.

Ceejae Devine


I don't know. I think "they" have become immune to screaming. That they like to hear that the poor are in pain, hungry. "They" like to hear women cry. I lived with one.

One thing you didn't list was quietly doing things we believe will improve the lives of others, while quietly working on things we believe will bring change. Some of that is done on a personal level, some is done by writing. I'm one of those people, but I will never know what kind of impact I am having.

Bread and Circuses

@ceejaedevine I really like your approach, and I'm certain you're having an impact, whether you can see it or not.

Adara Astin

@breadandcircuses I live in that panic. It's brutal.


it's a hard time to be an intelligent & informed person

Bread and Circuses


I know, it's very hard. *Many* of us here feel that. 😕

Christine Brösenhuber

@breadandcircuses Even if people could get a glimpse of the future, denial would set in immediately. That's why nothing ever changes. Radio report yesterday stated that it's been way too dry + warm this year already (report was for Baden Württemberg in south-west Germany) + that we'd need plenty of rain urgently. Everyone agrees - until the sun comes out + then life's great. All forgotten. I'm considered a regular party pooper with my reminders of climate change. Nt popular at all 😜

B.I.L.L. the Alien

@largess @christine_broesenhuber @breadandcircuses
The verbal description of the image is a perfectly distilled translation using a paucity of words that should be the gold standard for all descriptions. Bravo.

kim_harding ✅

@breadandcircuses when I was young, the future date everyone talked about was 2001, which seemed a long way into the future. I don't remember how old I was when I realised that it would be within my lifetime... 😂 😨 😱

Christine Brösenhuber

@breadandcircuses another important thing is that many people confuse weather with climate change. My neighbors keep telling me that there's nothing to worry about cuz there've been arid/wet... years before bt that's beside the point. They aren't keen on an in-depth exchange either. Many of them drive SUVs + sprinkle their lawns (in dry years) + hand-wash their cars even though by law they shouldn't. Heavens you should be the one to point it out

Helen Graham

@breadandcircuses I dont think it even needs to be that far ahead,the next few years will be harsh for much of the world

Matthew T

@breadandcircuses Or because our options are limited by system problems and circumstances.

Hopefully then the answer is to fight to change the system.


@breadandcircuses part of the problem is that our drives are dictated by our instincts and emotions. We can understand that we will be in trouble in a decade at an intellectual level, but we have a much greater emotional attachment to the current self. This makes it hard to make sacrifices now for the abstract future version of yourself.

People inevitably end up prioritizing their current comforts and hoping that future problems will somehow get solved when the time comes.

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