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30 posts total
elf of soils

if they tried to make STar War again today, Mr. Luke's uncle wouldnt be a "moisture farmer'' —he'd be a "thirst trapper'' #RealSauce #Honesty #BlessThisHorse

elf of soils

i realize there are a lot of limitations and flaws to the fediverse, but isn't it cool to not see ads??


@casey "hell yeah" i think, having just posted unsolicited endorsements for the san francisco beach taco bell that i've never even been to

elf of soils

Haunter gatherer

elf of soils

i love how we separate trash and hide it places even if it won't decompose for generations. rotten politeness.

elf of soils

remember kids: before anything was sumptuous, it was presumptuous

candle 🕔

@casey oh yeah let me know how it is out there, thinking about it myself not sure

elf of soils

as you well know, computers are fucking terrible

elf of soils

my grayscale tileset for 3.4.3 nethack is really good (and over halfway done.....)

elf of soils

i think i would do really well running a zine store on ds9 (we would never have zines in stock but that's part of the allure)


@casey one of the greatest inaccuracies of star trek’s depiction of a post-scarcity future is the lack of people spending their lives doing stupid and annoying things as a bit

elf of soils

i've said it once, i'll say it again, the way @emojibot generates the images and the image description in tandem is so cool

elf of soils

you may not need them now, but might be good to get some for the fall/next surge/etc

elf of soils

Portrait of a Lighthouse on Fire (Annihilation)

elf of soils

the bumble grumbler
the grindr faultfinder
the scruff bluffer
the lex lech
the OKCupid druid

elf of soils

new candy review - foamy licorice pepper skulls 💀🧼

elf of soils

I am searching for files for Kare's Biology/Dingbats/Mini Food

i was able to find "Cairo" and "Mobile", but not able to find the other three.

Anybody have them?

elf of soils

Just to entice you....

elf of soils

ok so this is usable now

having gone through a bunch of them, i don't think it's that inspiring. oh well!

elf of soils

might be fun to watch old chicago pride parades in order

you can see how corporate they get, i bet

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