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492 posts total
Niki Tonsky

Advanced debugging techniques from Shōgun

Niki Tonsky

I wrote another article! It’s about our failure, as a society, to solve one of the fundamental CS problems. I am sorry

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Julik Tarkhanov

@nikitonsky I would add another recommendation: we need at least some degree of getting back into the situation where you can Pick The Damn Box And Drag It Around Until It Looks Good. That would be a recommendation for tool makers. Better baseline control in CSS would also be nice.

Julik Tarkhanov

@nikitonsky And, as always: "Show me your button alignment and I will reveal your org chart".

Jordan Biserkov

@nikitonsky "Ella was born to Suzy Purnell and Simon Reid. Soon after she was born, her parents split up. Ella stayed with her mother but remained in touch with her father. Her father married a woman named Isabelle and had three sons with her: Enzo Reid, Noa Reid, and Leon Reid. Ella is close to all her three half-brothers."

Niki Tonsky

What happens if you try to create a Facebook account but never use it. Not a single post

Philip Trettner

@nikitonsky that's what you get for refusing to be the product.

Григорий Клюшников

У меня есть второй аккаунт в фейсбуке, которым я вообще не пользуюсь. Сделал когда-то, потому что надо было что-то потестить. На него приходят десятки уведомлений с каким-то спамом в отчаянных попытках получить из меня хоть какой-то engagement.

Niki Tonsky

Clowns (yes I’m still suspended)

Ivan Reese

@nikitonsky Better after looking at this glorious photo!

What's that gorgeous building in the BG?

Dieter Komendera

@nikitonsky Just ducking around in the prod-REPL fixing shit from my bed. Looks like you are having a better time.

Niki Tonsky

Image format that stores two images: one for light theme and one for dark


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Jonathan Fischer

@nikitonsky HEIC covers that use case, right? Such as macOS's dynamic wallpapers?

Alex Mazanov

@nikitonsky Kinda exists in macOS in a form of dynamic wallpapers. Here a tool that can create them, if you interested in poking around

Niki Tonsky

If you want an annoying cinematography try Sugar (Apple TV+). It’s so completely random!

Niki Tonsky

Great article and I can understand the motivation, but unfortunately all this “creativity” does for me is reminding that camera and cameraman exist. Ideally I would prefer to forget about that while watching a movie

Niki Tonsky

You can compose great shots without distortion, too

Niki Tonsky

I am sorry, but I can’t force myself to love new Figma cursors. What are those half-pixel offsets in the arrow? Why is the finger broken?

I like the idea in general, but why people who aim at nostalgia always do half-assed job recreating it?

Niki Tonsky

(blurring seems to be screenshotting artifact, actual cursors are not blurred)

Григорий Клюшников

Не всегда, я вон старательно воссоздаю старый ВК :)

Niki Tonsky

It’s always source to destination, from -> to, before -> after. Also known as the most natural order, with timeline going to the right.

In this picture it’s deliberately confusing because they call source “target”. Link that you create is a target.

Don’t thank me

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@nikitonsky unfortunately in many assembly languages the Intel syntax (wrong order) is used. And it always makes me cry.


@nikitonsky thank you for this detailed explanation which I have already forgotten.


@nikitonsky On Windows it is the opposite actually 😅

mklink link target

where target is the source.

Niki Tonsky

TIL: turn off “Smart zoom” in Trackpad settings to make right click instant (by default it has ~500ms delay)


via @tandav

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Andrey Fedoseev (ADF)

@nikitonsky @tandav а есть способ убрать задержку при переключении раскладки?

Rune Skovbo Johansen

@nikitonsky @tandav Delay must be in certain apps only? I have smart zoom enabled and in all the things I tested, right click was instant. In which app do you experience the delay?

Niki Tonsky

So I was searching for “creative typography” the other day to prove a point in an argument, and thing I saw made me quite sad.

Out of 30 results, at least 10 are clearly AI-generated. Can you spot which ones?

Niki Tonsky

My guess would be these ten.

So we kind of already live in a world where you have to filter out machine-generated crap from real human work. And it’ll probably only get worse from here

Niki Tonsky

Выпуск про дату-время-таймзоны вышел на Ютубе! Если вы еще не, как раз САМОЕ ВРЕМЯ посмотреть!

Niki Tonsky

So that’s why I was still seeing furry ads in Search!

(joking, I don’t use Google Search, Chrome and use uBlock Origin, of course)

Niki Tonsky

If anyone wants to get commit rights to open-source repo and maintain it for two years before trying adding a backdoor, is up for grabbing. Asking for a friend

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