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Niki Tonsky

My guess would be these ten.

So we kind of already live in a world where you have to filter out machine-generated crap from real human work. And it’ll probably only get worse from here

Jack Rusher

@nikitonsky Half my image searches are now jammed with same-same machine learning-generated junk 😔


@nikitonsky the same for what my teacher-husband uses in class: greek and roman deities, with American faces, without their essential attributes, etc...

Angelika Tyborska

@nikitonsky I agree with the overall sentiment that search results are flooded with AI generated crap in all areas, but I'm not sure if I agree that those specific pieces of art are all AI generated. For one, they are correctly spelled 😄 AI is pretty bad at spelling in pictures.

The last one in the first row I found on Deviantart, posted in 2012:
The second one in the second row I found on Instagram, posted in 2020:

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