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18 posts total
garden center goth

A Layoff Guide - Collective Action in Tech

this is a pretty great “get ready to be fired or laid off” guide tbh. a lot of people don’t have a full understanding of what is monitored / logged by companies that for instance use gsuite, and have managed devices (company laptop)

garden center goth

“Instagram is really annoying, and I've given enough, and I don't want to deal with it anymore. Bibliogram will remain mostly broken unless somebody steps up to fix it. The main instance,, will shut down, unless somebody wants to take it over. If you want to try fixing Bibliogram, you should read through the rest of this post for helpful tips about the current situation.”

elf of soils

@mood "In conclusion, Instagram's internal code is absolutely dogshit." nice chuckle at that

garden center goth

blinded by the bread
revved up like a goose
another runner in the night

garden center goth

“success is for creeps”
— bobcat goldthwait

garden center goth

she’s short circuiting because there are birds outside two different windows and she doesn’t know which one she wants

garden center goth

i’m a showrunner for a reality show where aliens watch another alien slightly alter bird DNA on earth thousands of years ago and then watch our reactions when we see an unusually-colored cardinal. and it has been hell keeping this one a secret

garden center goth

by Arthur Sze

Faucets drip, and the night plunges to minus
     fifteen degrees. Today you stared at a map
of Africa on a school wall and shook your head
     at “Yugoslavia” written along the Adriatic
coast near the top—how many times
     are lines drawn and redrawn, and to what end?

1/4, #versethursday

garden center goth

“well, you see, most of my family money came from financially trolling the financial trolling market” — future Gamestop Short Baron

garden center goth

did the ace attorney fans on here already see this? probably.. but it’s not worth the risk of them NOT seeing it..

garden center goth

oh my god

“TabFS is a browser extension that mounts your browser tabs as a filesystem on your computer.”

“Now you don't need to code up a browser extension from scratch every time you want to do anything. You can write a script that talks to your browser in, like, a melange of Python and bash, and you can save it as a single ordinary file that you can run whenever, and it's no different from scripting any other part of your computer.”

garden center goth

algae-farming damselfish have domesticated tiny shrimp to hover above their fields, shitting, as fertilizer. in exchange for protection

scientists are saying it’s the first time anyone’s seen a fish own a mastodon instance

garden center goth

the rest of the story didn’t load for a bit and i was like ‘wow! i respect how succinct this is’

garden center goth

ok the AI meme generator is genuinely funnier than anything i’ve got today

garden center goth

ladybird is consulting with her trusted advisors

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