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13 posts total
Vincent 🌻

Cat neatly folded herself in the triangle of shade thrown by the closed umbrella - and it’s not even warm outside

Vincent 🌻

Porgy is happy her chair has returned from the camping trip!

Vincent 🌻

Someone found the duvet before I could put the new cover on…

Vincent 🌻

Happy from Bessie this week, lounging and pondering to go outside… sometime today… just not yet

Vincent 🌻

Happy from The Huntress everyone! Look at that stare 😼

Vincent 🌻

Another post, of the other sister… not a perfect photo, but a great photo….

Her reacting to a “hey poosey” and walking (too) quickly to the camera 😅

Love them both

Vincent 🌻

Happy from Bessie! Right now she’s eagerly watching the garden for the Easter bunny…

Vincent 🌻

Happy 7th Porgy and Bessie! Let’s share the next 7 years too 🥰

Vincent 🌻

Happy (and sunny for the Dutchies!) ! Two pics today, just because we’re enjoying the sun together.

I always check if there’s readable text () in a photo, and this time it’s a good miniquiz… who am I listening to?

Vincent 🌻

I see it’s and I’ve wanted to share little Archie for a while now, who’s unfortunately no longer with us…

She was such a sweet cuddly and payful gal… 🌈

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