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11 posts total
Mike Rodriquez

I was setting up my flash lights when two very accommodating models showed up! I was very pleased with how long and well they posed, especially Cassidy!

#caturday #CatsOfMastodon

Mike Rodriquez

So, it's been a week.

The house is different. It's much more quiet.

I'm reminded of how negative space is used by artists to create something without actually painting it.

He was larger than life to us.

Now, I think maybe it was somewhat the same for the rest of the female kitties. There is a palpable difference in the air.

Anyway, I'm fine, just sad. And very appreciative of the time we did have together. Every day was a joy and his memory is a blessing.

#CatsOfMastodon #Aiko

Mike Rodriquez

I've been worried sick about Aiko when, after a good start (eating and drinking) yesterday morning, he grew more noticably ill as the day wore on.

This afternoon, I was hopeful the worst was over as we waited in the car to see the vet. He was bright-eyed, alert and almost perky; I guess he knew we were at the right place for his care.


Mike Rodriquez

Aiko has been under the weather for a couple of days, not eating much, barely drinking, somewhat listless and his back legs stopped supporting him. In no obvious pain, but clearly not feeling well.

His blood work was fine. Kidneys, liver, all normal. He may have a mild infection. Mainly, he was dehydrated, which they treated with a sub-cutaneous water injection.

Further diagnosis will be required regarding his legs, but for now he's home, happy and reasonably healthy.


Mike Rodriquez

Possible cat overload, but Princess says, "really? too many cat photos?"


Mike Rodriquez

I salted the tree with catnip then called the kitties. Top to bottom: Althea, Patches, Aiko and Cassidy.


Mike Rodriquez

Cassidy and Althea were particularly photogenic this afternoon!

And it's after midnight across the pond, so it's #caturday here on #CatsOfMastodon

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