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1 post total

So maybe an again now that I have a new home.

I'm qwazix, my other name is Michalis and I'm constantly wondering who I am. I live in Athens, GR. I'm in the process of exploring relationship stuff and taking some first slow steps towards polyamory.

I like movies, photography, computers, cars, doing things with my hands, cooking and I obsess with different things every now and then.

I usually post small stories from my life or my imagination, stuff I cook, photos I take, my mental state, stuff I make and other everyday things.

I made some really good friends on here and fedi is part of my life for more than 4 years now even if I'm not always very active.

Thanks for the warm welcome, many ♥️♥️ from me.

So maybe an again now that I have a new home.

I'm qwazix, my other name is Michalis and I'm constantly wondering who I am. I live in Athens, GR. I'm in the process of exploring relationship stuff and taking some first slow steps towards polyamory.

I like movies, photography, computers, cars, doing things with my hands, cooking and I obsess with different things every now and then.

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