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241 posts total
Rebecca @ RH Fine Arts

@Albatrossity posted one of these beauties just yesterday 🙂

Mrs Raven


Showing off his epaulets for a girl. I love their silvery liquid call. I usually see them on cattails.

Thanks for this beautiful reminder of one of the greatest pleasures of life.


As some of you know, today is National Hummingbird Day, conveniently scheduled for my birthday this year. So here is another hummingbird, a male Green-crowned Brilliant, from the hummingbird hotspot of the western Andes of Ecuador.

#NationalHummingbirdDay #Nature #NaturePhotography #Birds #Wildlife #NatureCommunity #Photography #BirdsOfMastodon #BirdPhotography #BirdWatching #Hummingbird #Ecuador #Andes

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