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Gerard Cunningham ✒️

So here's what I've learned.
Mastodon isn't Twitter.
And that's by design.
You've grown used to things designed to give you that anger rush.
Mastodon is very deliberately built to avoid that.
The temptation is to replicate your Twitter experience.
Picking arguments, amplifying trolls.
Please don't.
This isn't your house, people here put time into building it.
Content warnings, ALT tags.
Don't turn it into a replica of the mess you just left.
If you miss the fights, the birdsite is still there.

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Rev. Dr. Sir Wayne Murillo III


At first, I thought that the lack of activity I saw in Mastodon was chronological ordering of posts instead of algorithmic recommendation of content. Now, the lack of toxic fights seems like a factor too.

Jon Bell

@faduda I agree with everything you're saying.

But as someone who worked at Twitter, on moderation, it's an issue of scale. Those things will return not because people are trying to replicate Twitter.

But because Twitter replicates what happens when the entire world tries to talk at once. CW, alt tags, "just be cool" doesn't actually scale.

So it's important to design for that.

The Truly Cheap Guy

@faduda The anger rush is what you don't see here. Totally agree.

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