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7 posts total

I hope this message finds you, I hope this message brings you and in the darkness binds you.


I present to you: a case study in bad . One could teach a whole week of design class using this.

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Miguel Tavares

@fuzzychef this is why I love harding so much.

King Zog I of Albania
@fuzzychef Things a 14-year-old's dick says after he bumps into a boob walking in between classes
Trash Panda
What's wrong with it? It's clearly states that if you got a boner you got a boner, so what? Nothing to be ashamed of. It's just a stiffy. Any penis haver gets those.
If you hard
Then you hard.

I approve!


For this , Wayne wonders when I'm going to make the ice go away.

(it went a way a week later)


For the first time yesterday, I had a Mastodon follower show up at a show and buy something.

I feel like that's some kind of milestone.


One of the major, major benefits of that we don't talk about enough is the ability to choose what you see. I get the people I follow, roughly in the order they posted. Which is what I want and what 99% of social media users want.

Thinking of this because I use for my art business (no choice), and Insta's algorithm just glitched *again* and is only showing posts from 2-3 weeks ago. And I have a sale coming up this weekend.


Happy ! This is our goofball, demonstrating why we bought that vase from a fellow Oregon Pottery Assoc. artist. He loves sleeping on his head!


Folks are treating the recent tech layoffs as something spontaneous. They were not. Apparently the current layoffs were orchestrated by hedge funds.

This hedge fund demanded that the big tech companies lay people off because they were being paid too much. Let that one sink in: a hedge fund manager saying that you're being paid too much.

Note that TCI is demanding that Google lay off more people.

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@fuzzychef Ridiculous.... my solution is to raise the taxes on hedge funds to 90% for opening their big mouths


@fuzzychef Gets even more insidious when you realize that the reason competition has fallen is _because hedge funds have been writing these letters_.

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