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13 posts total
Karin Sorenby

Caturday ..interrupted..Aloo (plus Matilda) is wishing you an awesome caturday😏 ❤️ ☀️

Karin Sorenby

Aloo (and me)..hanging around..chillaxing..under heavy clouds..loving all your pics of the aurora lights..have an awesome eve..and keep spread ❤️ good night and peace out✌️

Karin Sorenby

Aloo is celebrating his caturday by enjoying some early morning sun ...slowly spring is arriving here too..
😊 ☀️ Love from us to u..✌️

Karin Sorenby

Good Caturday to you all!😊 ❤️ from Aloo and me....we are sending you greetings and love from our rainy windy spot on Cape Breton..❤️ ✌️ be well (and send us some sun..please and thanx..😏 ☀️ )

Karin Sorenby

Good Morning !☕ 😻 Aloo and I are cheering you on on your weekend..We are grateful for u all!❤️ ✌️

Karin Sorenby

Aloo knows how to just take in one of those sunny moments that comes through our window..🌞 Hope your caturday is treating you well...Love-greetings are shipped from us to you.❤️ ✌️

Karin Sorenby

hoping your caturday will be having some chillaxing in it...That is Aloo's recipe for a good day..😏 😻

Karin Sorenby

Aloo is giving you his cheerful morning face😏 hoping you are having a great day..spread some luv❤️ ✌️

Karin Sorenby

Good Caturday to you all!😊 ❤️ Aloo is starting his day carefully with just one eye open to the world..we are sending you love from our snowy spot, hoping it catches you all..❤️ ✌️

Karin Sorenby

a caturday yawn from Aloo...Hope your day will be kind to you..❤️ 😻

Karin Sorenby

Aloo is stepping into a new caturday...! Hope your caturday is good to you😻 Slowly recovering from being sick, so this will be a day for chillaxing, slurping soup and tea. Sending love to u all.. ❤️ ✌️

Karin Sorenby

Good Morning and Happy Caturday from Aloo ( and me..😊 ), on a lazy snowy morning..Throwing u all love, hoping it catches u❤️

Karin Sorenby

greetings from Aloo and me 😻 Caturday is here again! Lots of love from us to you❤️ ✌️

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