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159 posts total
Sominemo (moved)

4am. Air raid siren. Somebody's casually sweeping the street.

What an aesthetic

Sominemo (moved)

RT Lol most iPhone users aren’t broke and can afford YT Premium and I’m quite happy to pay for it considering I use my Apple TV to watch YouTube and there’s no way on any TV to install a custom YouTube. It’s worth it just to avoid the hassle and you also get a load of features.


Sominemo (moved)

RT Lol most iPhone users aren’t broke and can afford YT Premium and I’m quite happy to pay for it considering I use my Apple TV to watch YouTube and there’s no way on any TV to install a custom YouTube. It’s worth it just to avoid the hassle and you also get a load of features.


Sominemo (moved)

Comparing YT Premium to Vanced in this regard just buries YT Premium, but one of the actual reasons why I pay for Premium is because YouTube pays creators more per each premium user view, compared to ad revenue.

Sominemo (moved)



I get very discouraged to join groupchats :”””)c


Sominemo (moved)

May we just use text, it gives you a bit more opportunity to think your sentence through, everything is written down, so you can search for it later, you can have multiple discussions at the same time, doesn't require dedication if you are busy with something.

Sominemo (moved)


Привет, я айтишник, сейчас напишу тред как правильно вытирать задницу, погнали 👇


Sominemo (moved)


I made a helpful annotation for everyone. Every single one that's not Latin- or Cyrillic-based is wrong (at least a little bit).

I struggled a bit with displaying the Bengali script, but I made it work better than did this "Google" startup, whatever that is


Sominemo (moved)

That's what happens when you don't figure out the shitty text rendering engine thing in Adobe graphics suite, direction of which should be configured manually under Type -> "Language options"🙂

Sominemo (moved)


Опа, в Останови вагоны прилетело


Sominemo (moved)

I will buy an iPhone and Apple Watch only if Apple will make an AirTag but for glasses.

Sominemo (moved)


Новость, что новые умные лампочки Сбера перестали работать из-за санкций. Комменты на Хабре:


Sominemo (moved)


Когда же вы уже, блядь, поймёте, что «лезть в политику» это как чистить зубы и ходить в душ. Хотя погодите, у айтишников даже с этим проблемы


Sominemo (moved)

Oh no, my localhost admin admin password got leaked, fuck off

Sominemo (moved)


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