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7 posts total
pzmyers 🦑

Leslie Stahl and 60 Minutes are just as contemptible as Marjorie Taylor Greene. Why did they hand her a bullhorn?


@pzmyers the degree to which they’re ideologically predisposed to help out fascists, even when it’s bad for business, is alarming.

pzmyers 🦑

I think I'm less concerned about Elon Musk's brain, than I am the brains of the gullible fools who actually take him seriously.

Naveen Akunuri

@pzmyers Reminded me of the original Total Recall movie where the villain shuts of the oxygen to a sector on Mars

Kolus :asexual_flag:

@pzmyers Using Antarctica as an analogue is great because it both takes away the sci-if mysctisism of Colonizing Mars, while also giving the thought experiment so many advantages over Mars.

Not just water and air pressure, but things like solar radiation, power generation, electrostatically-charged wind-eroded perchlorate-laden fines…. Mars is an incredibly hostile environment.

Lord Edmund Bryll

@pzmyers I've met a few aspirational believers: they acknowledge his claims are exaggerated or even ludicrous, but believe that he's leading humanity to something greater just by dreaming big. Sure blowing up the moon is a pipe dream, but think of all the scientific wonders we'll create trying to figure out how!

pzmyers 🦑

"A Black Hole at the Center of Earth Plays the Role of the Biggest System of Telecommunication for Connecting DNAs, Dark DNAs & Molecules of Water on 4+N- Dimensional Manifold"

Eugen Rochko

@pzmyers I think some of my brain cells just made a trip into that black hole after reading about this

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