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2 posts total
Marco Dalla Stella

I never did a proper #introducton I think: I'm Marco (he/him), class '81, raised with a C=64, fell in love with computers, start to program professionally in '99, founded a small #Clojure company in 2015, started #functionalcafe in 2017.

I have two dogs, a couple of guitars, and a Moleskine fill with dreams.

This instance is my contribution to functional programming community and to all the marvelous people I met in my journey so far.


Marco Dalla Stella

Ok, a little bit of history about the propose to switch #functionalcafe to Pleroma. A couple of users asked me to "tweak" Mastodon to add some functionality, but I have no time nor the competence to keep a fork of it. Most of this tweaks are already included in Pleroma, so one of the suggestion was to switch to it. That's why I'm asking how many people are interested in the switch.

Eugen Rochko

@mdallastella Out of curiosity, what functionality did your users ask you to add?

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