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10 posts total
Laura Kalbag

Friends! I’m looking for my next role after nearly three years at Stately. I’m a UX designer who is just as comfortable in front-end development. I also love writing, giving talks, and making videos, so I’m up for dev and design advocacy roles, too.

If I sound like someone you want on your team, please give me a shout!

Laura Kalbag

Trying to get your best friend to skip work with you…

Laura Kalbag

Chapter 99 in The Tech Industry Is Broken With Problems It Has No Desire To Fix.

Laura Kalbag

So suddenly there’s a lot of attention around email and it’s exposing how many people in the web community still use Gmail. Like actually trust all your personal information and communication (and that of your potentially marginalised or vulnerable contacts) with Google. 🤮

There are a lot of hard problems and lack of alternatives when it comes to rights-respecting technology. But email (as imperfect as it is) has a fair few affordable alternative providers. Small change, big difference.

Laura Kalbag

“Teens shouldn't have to go to those lengths to socialize privately on Instagram, said Liz O'Sullivan, technology director at the Surveillance Technology Oversight Project.… ‘She shouldn't have to have these psyop [psychological operations] networks with multiple people…’”

Laura Kalbag

This cute dog is a monster. He can open doors and has developed a habit of bursting into the room when you’re sleeping. When I (lovingly) told him he’s a monster, he struck this pose. This is why he always wins and we are very tired.

Laura Kalbag

“It is possible to determine from the collected data what date and time the anonymized user visited YouPorn and PornHub, and in some cases what search term they entered into the porn site and which specific video they watched.”

“anonymised”. 😬

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