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9 posts total

The fossil-industrial complex is showing interesting cracks along a fault line.

"Motordom", as Peter Norton named it in his book "Autonorama", is one half of this complex.

It represents the car manufacturers, the people who reshaped our cities and our laws to induce car dependency. The people who bought public transport companies in the US to shut them down in order to force people to use cars.

The term "Motordom":

In the 1920s, American automobile manufacturers, auto clubs, and their allies organized to improve conditions for drivers. They learned to cooperate, sometimes even under a common name. As motordom, they backed gasoline taxes on condition that the revenues go to paved roads. They organized to win priority for drivers on city streets, discouraging jaywalking with publicity campaigns and city ordinances. They used press releases to shift blame for street casualties from drivers to pedestrians, and from speed to reckless driving. They also worked to influence developing standards of traffic and highway engineering in ways that were favorable to drivers.

The other half of the fossil-industrial complex are people selling fuel.

There is a staggering amount of money in fuel, in selling hydrocarbons to drive machinery.

And of course the people profiting from this money want to keep the spice flowing.

Revealed: oil sector’s ‘staggering’ $3bn-a-day profits for last 50 years

Tagesordnung des Bundestages als iCal und andere Formate


@isotopp Schema.Org/event wäre besser. iCal ist kein gut strukturiertes Format. Eigentlich nur für Clients. Und gibts auch.


OH: "Every problem in my life can be directly traced back to a billionaire, and none of them can be traced back to a refugee."


An dieser Stelle sei noch einmal darauf hin gewiesen, daß 5x schnell den Powerknopf drücken das iPhone in einen Modus versetzt, bei dem jetzt erst einmal das Paßwort eingegeben werden muß, bevor die Biometrie wieder akzeptiert wird.


@isotopp Für alle, die mit #Android unterwegs sind: Ein-/Aus-Taste gedrückt halten, dann "Sperren" auswählen.
(Ab Android 13 muss eventuell zuerst eingestellt werden, dass der Google Assistant nicht auf dem Einschalter liegt.)

Screenshot des beschriebenen Menüs

Wenn Deine Uni wegen ChatGPT und AI nur noch handschriftliche Lösungen akzeptiert.

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Ortwin Pinke

@isotopp man könnte natürlich anstelle der KI auch den eigenen Kopf bemühen. 😔

Ryek Darkener

Erinnert an "Hex" aus einem Terry Pratchett Roman. Ob das wohl Pate gestanden hat? ;)


In which I try Matrix and Element and can't even manage to sign on, because the Onboarding is a Trashfire of bad UX, a selection of vulnerable servers and a confusion of clients.

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DeepBlue V7.X Ugh, I hate that people equate Element and Matrix as one thing. Element can't decide on maintaining one client and rewrites it regularly. They very weird ideas of onboarding and default to different login methods in different clients. Some of the clients don't even work on standard Matrix servers. Sadly it seems like we will never get away from this notion that Matrix==Element and tbh my client has its fair amount of issues as well.

Now I could explain all of the things you have experienced, but it doesn't change, that it is a bad experience. The servers are listed as "outdated", since they usually got added in the past and the server list regularly runs checks on what version is running on them now and if they are still online to calculate the labels. Arguably there should be some method to remove servers eventually, but being outdated for a few days should be fine (at least if there is no security issue).

Element X is a rewrite of Element, actually several of them. That the iOS version is not listed in the store anymore, is surprising to me, considering that Element X is in no way ready yet, but on iOS Element has basically been unmaintained for ages (or at least annoying bugs didn't get fixed), so possibly they judged it wasn't worth the effort anymore. Or nobody ever clicked the button "also available on macOS" for the old app, since that is a new macOS feature and not many people use iOS apps on their mac, when there are mac apps available.

Why you can't close the login window: The way that the user-interactive authentication works, is that the client has to keep some state to continue the request it needs to authenticate for (like the registration). Web clients should usually persist that, since the user can click away that window at any time, but Element does not. Native clients wouldn't really experience that issue usually and that part of Matrix is supposed to be replaced with OIDC anytime now, but it is still a really surprising experience. Otoh copying a link isn't something a lot of people do in my experience, so I would assume it barely comes up in user testing.

Your assumptions about the email verification in the end are wrong. It is talking about verification in the End-to-End Encryption sense. It is used to exchange old message keys as well as ensure that messages are actually sent between the right ends without a MITM. An email address won't give you access to your keys, that is only required for password resets and registration on some server. For E2EE you can either restore messages using a recovery key, a passphrase to derive the recovery key from or by verifying against another signed in device. That Element Android hangs on that screen, well, it is Element Android and in my experience terribly unreliable. Ugh, I hate that people equate Element and Matrix as one thing. Element can't decide on maintaining one client and rewrites it regularly. They very weird ideas of onboarding and default to different login methods in different clients. Some of the clients don't even work on standard Matrix servers. Sadly it seems like we will never get away from this notion that Matrix==Element and tbh my client has its fair amount of issues as well.

Now I could explain all of the things you...

Janek Bevendorff

@isotopp I’m basically locked out of my account. I had to reset my Firefox profile at one point and it’s connected with the Matrix ID. Now I can only create a new account, but I have to choose a different username, because the old one is still registered, but dangling. I can still use it with any client logged in at the time, but once they are out, I am out and their home brewed SSO doesn’t let me reconnect the accounts.

Wilfried Klaebe


> When I close any client, I have to re-login, re-compare the Emojis, and all chat history is gone.

Das kann ich für keine meiner aktuellen Varianten von Element (Web, Desktop, Android) bestätigen, sondern nur nach Logout. Und das ist, soweit ich es verstand, Folge von PFS. Deswegen will man immer mehrere eingeloggte Clients, die gegenseitiges Cross-Signing aktiviert haben, und sich dann so gegenseitig Keys älterer Nachrichten austauschen können.

Ja, PITA. Aber: gibt es besseres?


Reddit banned TheArstaInventor for promoting Lemmy, a Reddit clone using Fediverse protocols.

They also banned /r/LemmyMigration earlier this morning.


Wilfried Klaebe

@isotopp That link returns »404: FetchError: invalid json response body at http://lemmy:8536/api/v3/site? reason: Unexpected token 'T', "Timeout oc"... is not valid JSON« at the moment?

SkaveRat 🐀 :verified:

@isotopp doesn't EU have some new anti-competition law going live very soon? this could be fun

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