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6 posts total
Derick Rethans

Look at this, another Open thing that Google is killing off in favour of a walled garden replacement.

#RSS #Podcasts

Derick Rethans

ICYMI: ๐Ÿ“ฝ๏ธ ๐Ÿงพ I have made a new video in which I explain one of @PhpStorm's features: Skipping Files and Directories while Debugging. #xdebug #php #debugging

Derick Rethans

This is my favourite photo of my long walk yesterday. I โค๏ธ #Autumn and #AutumnColours

Derick Rethans

Hi, I'm Derick.

I work on PHP as part of the PHP Foundation.
I am the author of @Xdebug.

I like walking, languages, and photography, and will post about these topics alongside PHP.


baspeeters :debian:

@derickr @Xdebug Hey Derick ๐Ÿ‘‹ Great to see you here. I love your work and use #Xdebug daily. Looking forward to reading your toots!

Sergey Sign

@derickr thanks for xdebug, you made my life so much easier)

Derick Rethans

PHP 7.4 is coming out of security support next week. Have you upgraded yet to 8?

Anonymous poll


Yes, on 8.1
Yes, on 8.0
No, but currently in the process of upgrading.
No, I prefer pain.
69 people voted.
Voting ended 31 Oct 2022 at 11:29.
Ben Ramsey

@derickr @phpc Depends on your definition of โ€œyou.โ€ ๐Ÿ™ƒ

Dennis on Trains

@derickr literally had to install 7.4 today, but part of this job is to upgrade to 8. Nothing newer than 8.0 is supported by the third party application, which is a bummer. Looking forward to using 8.2 on my own projects though.

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