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John O'Nolan

Excited to share that Ghost is going to federate over ActivityPub and become part of the largest open publishing network in the world 🎉

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@johnonolan Great news!

>There are multiple ways of supporting gated access to content in ActivityPub, and we're going to do our best to create a seamless experience both for publishers and for readers.

I've built an ActivityPub powered content subscription service called Mitra. Right now it uses direct messages to distribute subscriber-only posts. This method is compatible with most Fediverse micro-blogging services, but doesn't scale, so I'm doing research on federated private groups. I also wrote (and implemented) a specification for federated payments:

Looking forward to working together on standards for subscription services

@johnonolan Great news!

>There are multiple ways of supporting gated access to content in ActivityPub, and we're going to do our best to create a seamless experience both for publishers and for readers.

I've built an ActivityPub powered content subscription service called Mitra. Right now it uses direct messages to distribute subscriber-only posts. This method is compatible with most Fediverse micro-blogging services, but doesn't scale, so I'm doing research on federated private groups. I also wrote...

theruran 🌐🏴

@johnonolan props to the informative webpage design! at first I thought it was just going to be a 'get early access' form.

Jesse Karmani

@johnonolan not only am I very very excited about your upcoming federation, but this is an absolutely beautiful announcement post 😍 kudos!

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