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18 posts total
hark! the herald hazels sing

can you add aftermarket dolby to a device that doesnt have dolby

hark! the herald hazels sing

during uk heatwaves you always see the statistic that only 0.5% of homes in britain have air conditioning, and im like who are these people?? if your house had air conditioning at my school youd get beaten up

Eugen Rochko

@envgen That might explain why you don’t know anyone who has one

hark! the herald hazels sing

the heatwave has got me curious about how house construction in the usa differs from the uk. like how do you manage a hotter climate and stuff. but uhhhh is that.. chipboard?? are houses in the usa made of MDF?? dont you have hurricanes and shit??? what

Eugen Rochko

@envgen Yeah that's why hurricanes wreck so much havoc there

hark! the herald hazels sing

trying to do advertising for powpant (i know i know) and it says our reach will be zero ppl. i can increase the budget to Β£30,000 and the reach is still zero. well. fuck it i guess

Eugen Rochko

@envgen What have you selected as target audience? Perhaps you are narrowing it down too much

hark! the herald hazels sing

hey!!! if you haven't listened yet, here's a gay song from @powderpaint's gay new EP. its on spotify and bandcamp too


@envgen heres my story about andrew huang. i watched one of his videos once years ago and i didnt really think much of it. not really my thing. hes probably okay. bit boring?? bit mediocre i guess. but after that, every time i saw a thumbnail of one of his videos he was always doing this really alarmed looking expression that made me so stressed i told youtube to never show me him again. and it worked, since this is first time ive thought about him for ages actually

hark! the herald hazels sing

distressed that there are other blobcats gargsy wont let us use πŸ˜”πŸ˜”πŸ˜”

hark! the herald hazels sing

me, an hour ago: finally reached day 14 of self isolation, cant wait to see my partner tomorrow for the first time in two weeks!!!

me, now that seeing people from outside your household is banned and enforced by police: well FUCK

Eugen Rochko

@envgen Can you not still meet 1 person? At least in Germany you can, I thought BJ copied our rules

hark! the herald hazels sing

*back in my day voice* back in my day we didnt have cws, we put our lewd toots in nerd code

hark! the herald hazels sing

and that was only cos josef said everyone on masto was horny. thats literally the reason we have cws today. cos josef said everyone on masto was horny

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