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64 posts total

Check out what's new in #PlasmaMobile Gear ⚙️ 22.11: Changes and improvements to the shell, to the overall performance of the system, and to apps like Recorder, NeoChat, Tokodon, Kasts and more.


#BlueFriday is coming! Fabulous discounts on all KDE apps, desktops and frameworks!


Unleash your #creativity with KDE! Discover all the Free Software tools for painting, video-editing, animation and publishing on our hub for artists and designers:

Included: how to turn your Plasma desktop into the perfect distraction-free artist's studio.


Welcome to KDE's new Mastodon account!🥳

As you may know, will unfortunately be closing down soon, hence the move. We are very grateful to Ash, the patient maintainer and hard-working admin that kept that instance running for so long. We wish you well, Ash, and hope to continue seeing you around the Fediverse. You rock!❤

Now we look forward to working with the folks here and hope to continue contributing great Free Software content to the Mastodon network.

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@kde welcome back with the new instance. In my opinion, #KDE should have their own instance and I might jump in if they do.

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