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10 posts total

Hey @Gargron - often the opinion is it's too hard to find things on Mastodon. Any chance we can change search to include plain text of all users, not just hashtags? #Mastodev

Link to thread here:

Eugen Rochko

@BernieOrVest Unfortunately that's the kind of feature that leads people on Twitter to having to censor words (like g*mergate) to prevent concern trolls from finding you just to argue or harass you

If you want a post to be found, use a hashtag


Hey, Mastodon - we need #Assistance please -

@AngryGenXLady has a lock on some of her toots.

Her account isn't "locked" (we checked in settings) but she has to select "public" before hitting the "toot" button, for her toots to have a boost icon available.

Any way to set it to default to public toots? @Gargron @LuigiEsq

Eugen Rochko

@BernieOrVest @AngryGenXLady Check your "posting defaults" preferences here:

Make sure it's set to "public" and reload the web interface

Gnomeo from Gnomestuck

@BernieOrVest @AngryGenXLady @Gargron Try Edit Profile > Preferences > Other. There should be an area labeled "Posting Defaults" with options to choose level of posting privacy. Let me know if that solves your issue!


Is it possible to add multiple emojis to a toot, without closing the emoji window, using a modifier key - such as shift-clicking? #Mastodev @Gargron


📣 #BernieOnMastodon

📣 Lots of new Bernie voting friends are on Mastodon lately! :mastodon:

Let's do a "follow-for-follow"🚀

Please add these new users so they can grow their base 🐘 🔥

@BernieWonIowa @Johngranada @JustinS1990 @PsiPie @FeeelTheBern20 @Kreatuv @MattViator @Vitus @jadejitsu
@SuzyqLevitt @saturn72 @Luckymystry @BobSmith4152
@sv1 @Panchanito @CraigMorea @pedanthicc @JAYAM34 @Elrazook

✅ Boost
✅ Reply
✅ Follow

Thanks for being here... ❤️ 👍🏾

📣 #BernieOnMastodon

📣 Lots of new Bernie voting friends are on Mastodon lately! :mastodon:

Let's do a "follow-for-follow"🚀

Please add these new users so they can grow their base 🐘 🔥

@BernieWonIowa @Johngranada @JustinS1990 @PsiPie @FeeelTheBern20 @Kreatuv @MattViator @Vitus @jadejitsu
@SuzyqLevitt @saturn72 @Luckymystry @BobSmith4152
@sv1 @Panchanito @CraigMorea @pedanthicc @JAYAM34 @Elrazook


We've had quite a few new Bernie people showing up on Mastodon from Twitter.

So if you get a follow from a new account, give a follow back.

A question many have is "What's your favorite mobile app for Mastodon?"

Here's a partial list created by @Gargron 👇🏾

If you've found one you love, reply to this thread. Thanks!


@Gargron #mastodev

Is there a way to hide all the accounts we CC on a toot so their addresses don't subtract from available characters in each reply? Twitter hides these. Am I missing something? #FeatureRequests


@Gargron - Please add a "groups" feature, so people can congregate in one area, and see a record of their conversations at a glance. This will make Mastodon the clear choice for professional & personal communities. A non-corporate blend of Twitter & FB.


@Gargron - Hi, Eugen - This user joined via my signup link. 👇🏾 They were unable to get a confirmation email, and they don't have a spam folder. How should I advise them to proceed? #mastodev #assistance


@Gargron - Hi, Eugen - This user joined via my signup link. 👇🏾 They were unable to get a confirmation email, and they don't have a spam folder. How should I advise them to proceed?

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