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2 posts total

I hope all the new people result in continuously more specialized mastodon instances. Nevermind 'motion art' and 'scholars', I want to see an instance only for people who taxidermy bees to look like samurai, or take photographs of parrots' feet.

Mehrad :kde: :emacs: :rstats:

@malin it seems you already have the two most essential requirements: motivation and idea. Now you can spin one yourself and show us how a samurai bee looks like when it is winking πŸ€“


Hot take: RTFM means *read the fucking manual*, and "manual" is singular, not plural.

If someone's asking for the documentation for X, and the only thing available is guides, linking to other guides, which have services, which you then need to read man pages for, then the correct response is 'no, there is no documentation - everyone just reads all the guides to all the parts'.

The correct answer is not "RTFM", because there is no manual.

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